Rarity Draws - 10 Legendaries #2

in Splinterlands17 days ago


After the End of Season, the batches reset. Since they nerfed the new chests, less than 1 day after they went live, I opted to get the Legendary Draws again. I already have all the commons maxed out, only 3 rares left and they're cards I don't need, and just 1 epic left. Most Legendaries I have yet to max out so this is still a good buy for me. Let's see what I get:


Again, no GFs. I'm starting to think my account is cursed. 2 Terraceous Hulk puts me just 2 copies away from max level. Not that I care because the upgrade is not that relevant and I never use this card. 2 Balerix Snakeye also puts me 2 copies away from max level. I use this card sometimes so I hope I can reach the max level soon. With 1 Musa Saline I'm 2 BCX away from max level. I don't use it but at max level it goes from 1 to 2 attack, which is a huge improvement. Sorriel the Bale and Kulu Mastermind are 2 cards I want to have at max level, especially the second one. With these, I just need 1 more copy each. The Skok Duskblight is another card that I'm just 2 copies away after these draws. This is also one that gets an important improvement. The Drybone Raider and Ava the Undaunted are useless to me because those are already maxed out.

Overall, not good. Not a single GF after 20 of these is very bad luck and I couldn't reach a new level in any card, which means my deck doesn't improve this season on the Soulbound cards.


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good job