Documenting my Splinterlands Knowledge - My First Glint Rewards Claim

in Splinterlands2 months ago


Hello there.

There is a little more than 2 days left in the current season, and we will finally get a big influx of Glint as the End of Season Loot is awarded. In my last post I was very excited for it, since I was expecting to receive more than 100k Glint. The initial computation for the EOS Loot of Glint was based on the player's highest rating in ranked. Unfortunately, the team recently decided to change that. The EOS Glint Loot will now be just 2x the Glint that a player has earned throughout the season.

In my case, that is around 20k+ Glint. I have a low amount of SPS staked [around 1.6k], so my Glint boost isn't that great. It is mostly my rating that is pushing my earn/win higher. I usually get 90-100 glint per win with some of my card bonuses. But of course, I am extremely bummed by the change. 100k vs 20k Glint for EOS Loot is a big difference.


Since it looks like I won't be opening 10 Master Draws this EOS, I might as well open Initiate and Veteran Draws to zero out my Glint. The reason I'm doing this is because the Glint Shop restocks every season. Once 10 Draws of each type are bought, the next ones cost a little more, or you will have to wait for it to get restocked. So for those who have a lot of Glint, you might want use some before the EOS.

I need a lot of rare cards, since I want to max level my soulbound summoners. For all 5 Draw options, rare always has a 20% chance. So I'll just try the strategy of going for the cheap Draws for now and see how it goes. Since I have very few potions, and they are harder to get now, I turned off the use of potions for the reward cards. I will reserve them for when I open Master Draws.


Initiate Draws


This is what I was a bit afraid of. I know I have very bad luck with chances and RNG. If I had great luck, I would have gotten 1 epic or Legendary. If I had normal luck, it would have been 2 Rare, and 8 Common. But since I have bad luck, I got 9 Common and 1 Rare. It would have been better if the Rare was a summoner, but it wasn't meant to be.

Adept Draws


I'm sad to say that my Adept Draws aren't much better. I still only got 1 Rare Draw and 9 Common Draws. I was wishing in my mind that hopefully my luck would even out with the Initiate draws. But who was I kidding, I should have expected this outcome. If there's a silver lining, it's that I got a few extra copies in my Draws. It would have been horrible if I got just 1 copy in all of them.


After buying the 10 Initiate and Adept Draws, I checked their cost again and it is a significant increase. It looks like batch 2 costs 50% more. I also checked the total cost of the other draws. Excluding the Master Draw, buying 10 of the others would cost 40,500 Glint. Based on this season, I would probably get around 39k Glint per season. As I stake more SPS, I should be able to buy 10 pieces of the first four Draws soon. I might try to buy 10 Master Draws at one point, just to see if it is better overall.

SPL Separator.JPG

That is it for my Glint Reward Claim post. I'll probably post my Veteran and Elite draws next week if I can get them. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think, and if you have suggestions for improvement.

And as always, these are Not Financial Advice, and Do Your Own Research.

If you want to start playing Splinterlands, you can use my link:
Splinterlands Referral Link


I am waiting for the season end rewards to make some purchase.
Thank you for sharing this information about the purchase in Rewards shop.
Also, nice strategies in your post

Hello. I am excited for the EOS rewards as well. Goodluck on your pulls, and thanks for stopping by.

Thanks for sharing! - @underlock

Thanks for the upvote.

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