Documenting my Splinterlands Knowledge - Rebellion Summoners Review Part 2

in Splinterlands6 months ago


Hello there.

Rebellion has been live for some time now and players have been buying the packs. The first conflict which was supposed to start last December 12 has been moved to January to give the team some time to relax. While this was delayed, it is nice to see the price of SPS and DEC retain their value. The Rebellion cards have slowly been trickling down to Bronze and the meta has started to form. I will give it a few more days or weeks before I weight in on the meta though.

For this post, I will continue where I left off in part 1 and discuss the remaining new Rebellion summoner cards. Last time I went over the Fire, Earth, and Life summoners. This time, I will go over the Water and Death summoners. There is also a Dragon summoner, but it is Legendary, so it is not readily available. With the departure of Untamed, we can see that new players don't have access to Dragon apart from Helios. Rebellion not having any common or rare dragon monsters makes sense. As always, I will try to look at the cards from a Bronze level perspective to cater to newer players, and beginners alike.

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The first summoner is Prunda Undervesch. It is a Common Life and Water summoner that enables the use of both elements at the expense of not having any other ability. I think all the dual element summoners are a must have. Not only are they perfect for Silenced Summoner ruleset, since they still enable the use of both elements, they are also the new cheap summoners at 3 mana. There are a lot of possibilities for these dual element summoners. Off the top of my head, you can easily field a team consisting of 3 healers and 2 repair monsters. Partner that with Coeurl Lurker in Armored Up ruleset, and it is really hard to kill. That setup can also work without a taunt monster in a Fog of War ruleset. In Wands Out ruleset, you can have two Void monsters with Oshannus front, and Iziar at the back, and also have a heal with Meriput Magician. Life will now have access to Cleanse, while Water can make use of the Shatter. There are a lot of options available.


The next summoner is Prophet Rosa. It is a Rare Water summoner with active targeting. The user can grant +2 Range damage to 2 monsters, or give a Shield ability to 1 monster. From the battles I've played since the rotation, this card has its own niche and is hard to use outside of it. It is viable during Close Range and Going the Distance. The Shield can be very hard to use because it is defensive, but placing it on key targets can help win battles against Sneak/Opportunity teams. I don't like active targeting abilities that are defensive, since they are not that good in tournaments, where you enter your team and choose the targets immediately. Maybe if that is improve it would be better.


The next summoner is Zeddica. It is a Common Water and Death summoner that enables the use of both elements. With the dual summoners, it is expected that Death will now have access to heal. The team decided to go with Water, and I think they work well together. Death is my least favorite element, so I think Water will add a lot of flexibility to make it stronger. Apart from Heal, Death will now have access to Repair. Water will now have access to Thorns. It can interesting to see multiple Double Strike monsters during Equal Opportunity, Melee Mayhem, or Super Sneak. The Weapons Training possibilities are also interesting. Will-o-wisp and Riftwing together with Kulu Mastermind in a no Magic no Armor ruleset can become a speed nightmare. There are a lot of possibilities available that I haven't touched on.


The next summoner is Reklah. It is a Rare Death summoner with active targeting. The user can deduct 2 HP to 2 monsters, or give a Reflection Shield ability to 2 monsters. This is another summoner that has its own niche. It can be one of the best during Blast and Back to Basics rulesets, and it can be a game changer in Noxious Fumes and Earthquake Rulesets. I have seen some players theory craft with this in higher level together with Redemption. While the strategy might be difficult in Bronze, using Blast as a substitute can be an option. Just putting the reflection shield on Windeku can be an option to win the mirror.


The next summoner is Dolfar Darflak. It is a Common Death and Fire summoner that enables the use of both elements. My initial thought on this was a glass cannon offensive team. Death and Fire don't have a lot of support monsters apart from Protect. What they do have is a lot of damage. They can field a lot of Sneak and Opportunity monsters which can catch opponents off guard. With this combination they have a large range of high damage monsters from every attack type.


I decided to include the Dragon summoner just to show all current available Rebellion summoners. Since it is Legendary, one needs to buy or rent it to be able to use it. The summoner is Akane. It is a Legendary Dragon summoner with active targeting. The user can grant the Lookout ability to 1 monster, or give the Ambush ability to 2 monsters. This is another summoner that has its own niche, but can be flexible. Since the Ambush can be given to any monster, imagine a Grund or Coastal Sentry with their Double Strike attacking in Round 0. With enough speed, they can take out a good amount of monsters before the enemy team can even attack. I have read of players thinking up Ambush teams with this summoner. If everyone in the team has Ambush, it would be funny to see the battle being over before Round 1 even starts.


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That is it for part 2 of my Rebellion Summoners Review post. I plan on making a review of the Rebellion cards for my next few posts. I'll probably discuss the Ambush ability in more detail since it was a late ability addition, and the Weapons Training changes that is shaping the meta. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think, and if you have suggestions for improvement.

And as always, these are Not Financial Advice, and Do Your Own Research.

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@speedtuning(1/10) tipped @outwars

Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

New summoner are so cool.

Thanks for the upvote.

I agree. The new summoners are so strong especially in specific rulesets.