Documenting my Splinterlands Knowledge - Tips for Beginners - How to Improve

in Splinterlands4 months ago


Hello there.

This week's Social Media Challenge wants us to create posts to help beginners. I created a tips for beginners post three months ago which covers a lot of things a new player or beginner would want to know. I also created a post to counter Quora, a card that can be very daunting to newer players.

For this post, I will be discussing tips and strategies that new players can do to improve, and help them win more games. I decided to create this post because the ranked system will be having some changes by the end of the month. Some of the changes include automatic move to a higher league, no card level caps, only Champ will have leaderboards, and matchmaking based on rating. This can be very good for new players since a lot of the really good players will be forced to move up, and they will face opponents close to their skill level.

SPL Separator.JPG

Watch your battles


If you haven't been watching your battles, try to watch a few, especially the ones that might appear close. For newer players, seeing how the battle works is very educational. You can see the order of attacks, how important positioning is, how abilities work and interact, and whole lot of other things. Watching battles can also help you come up with team ideas.

Check Top Battles


One of the easiest ways to find good teams to use, is to check out the fights in the Top Battles. A lot of the highlighted fights here are from high ranked players, so they will be very effective, and can be considered the meta. Personally, I think the current meta leans towards a tanky frontline with support monsters at the back line. People then add Weapons Training monsters to give an attack to those support monsters. Most Bronze Leaderboard players use this strategy because of how strong it is. I have difficulty beating those teams, and I think using a similar team is the only way to beat them.

Find players with similar strategies to you


During your battles, or while browsing the top battles, you can maybe encounter/find players that have a similar strategy to you. Newer players can also look for players that are successful without using the Weapons Training monsters, since those tend to have higher rental costs. You can look at the monsters they use, their positioning, what rulesets they use them on, etc. You can also improve them to fit your style better.


Run simulations


The website lets players run simulations of their battles. If you just had a close battle, you can load it here and check the win probability. You can also replace cards to find out if that would make your team better. It doesn't even have to be an existing battle. If you have problems facing a meta team, you can set it up and start finding a team to beat it.

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That is it for my How to Improve post for beginners. I hope it can help them get better at the game and win more battles. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think, and if you have suggestions for improvement.

And as always, these are Not Financial Advice, and Do Your Own Research.

If you want to start playing Splinterlands, you can use my link:
Splinterlands Referral Link


Your article is rich of valuable information I did not know.
Splinterlands battle is hot this week.
I did not visit this website to play the game over and over again
Have you played Tower Defense SoulKeep with Nightmare cards in Splinterlands?



Thank you for appreciating my post, and stopping by.

Have you played Tower Defense SoulKeep with Nightmare cards in Splinterlands?

I haven't played the TD SoulKeep yet, but I have seen playthroughs of it before. It seems like a very fun game to play, and has more to offer compared to traditional TD games. I am excited by the news that it was sold to the original developers, so it can get the needed attention it deserves.

Thank you

!1UP Good work!


Thank you.

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

these are some nice and easy practical tips for beginners!

Thank you for the upvote and appreciating it. Even thought I have played for a long time, I still do a lot of these things.

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