My Splinterlands Journey - After Rebellion Release

in Splinterlands5 months ago


Hello there.

My previous Splinterlands journey post was created before the release of Rebellion. There, I gave an overview of how I started playing Splinterlands and my experiences. For this post, I will be discussing my immediate plans.

Since the release of Rebellion, a lot has changed in the meta of Bronze Modern. I have noticed that my strategies need updating. Some of them still work, but I have encountered a lot of matchups where I had no chance of winning. Additionally, the team has also made some changes on Brawl and Tournament battles. Previously, we can use starter/ghost cards when participating in these events. But a week or two ago, they changed it so that starter/ghost cards can't be used. This is a very big blow since I like to join tournaments, and there are "Rebellion only" tournaments available.


Looking at some of the tournaments, there aren't a lot of players joining the Rebellion only ones, since not a lot of players have leveled cards yet. An example above is the ongoing Diamond tournament. There are only 127 participants, and if I was able to get the power requirement, I can get free 20 SPS just from joining.

The competition isn't that stacked as well. Looking at the performance of the bottom players it seems there were other players that are already doing what I want to do, and some just enter and don't even have strong teams.


The last few tournaments were also under 128 players:


My initial plan was to wait for the Airdrop Conflicts to start before buying Rebellion cards. I expect the whales to buy and open packs for their wagons, and probably sell their duplicates that exceed the max level. I am hoping the increase in supply will make the prices cheaper than what it is now.

I still plan on doing that, but with the brawl and tournament changes, I also plan on renting Rebellion cards to be able to join the tournaments. The dual element summoners can make renting cheaper, and they also work on the Little League ruleset. Of course, I will take into account whether the cost of renting is worth it compared to the reward potential.


As for what cards I'll buy, I'll probably focus on the Neutral monsters first, since they can be used in almost all battles. Getting at least a level 1 of all starter cards is a given because of Rebellion only tournaments. There are times when there aren't enough monsters to put in, or I am unable to maximize the mana of the battle.


For Fire, I already have a Flame Mephit from a pack I opened. I can see myself getting 4 cards; Gobalano Soldier, Nimbledook Scout, Torch Myrmidon, and Torch Vizier. Gobalano and Vizier will be good for my Sneak and Opportunity teams. Myrmidon can work well with my Grund and Jacek. The Scout can be a cheap tank for my Chimney Wallstop.


For Water, I'll probably get a Chaos Rear Guard, Daigendark Surveyor, and Anasth Soothsayer. My usual team for Water is Possibilus with Kulu Mastermind and Noa. The Rear Guard is good as a cheap front line tank. The Surveyor can work well with Kulu. Anasth is an upgrade from River Nymph, and can survive longer in the Noxious Fumes ruleset.


For Earth, I got a Lurking Puffer, Endless Ape, and Lioceros in a pack. I will probably get Ujurak Mystic, Blackmoor Nymph, and Swell Spore Beast. Ujurak's Lookout will be useful against Sneak/Snipe/Opportunity attacks. The Nymph has Immunity, and will be used a lot during the Noxious Fumes ruleset. The Spore has 3 attack and True Strike, which can be helpful in dealing with Agor Longtail teams.


For Death, I will get Fenmoor Haunt, Wailing Wraith, and Helheim Demon. Fenmoor Haunt is a cheap but high damage monster. It will work well with Sha-vi and Uraeus. Wailing Wraith surprised me with its combo with Ravenhood Warden, being able to Armor Strike for 3. Helheim Demon is a good Taunt monster, and the Flying ability makes it useable during the Earthquake ruleset.


For Life, I got the Thanalorian Archer in a pack. I am thinking of getting a Meriput Magician, Anarchon Bolter, and Avina of the Wolf. Meriput opens up a lot of Taunt and Support teams, and is a vital healer to Iziar during Wands Out ruleset. Bolter having two attack types makes it really good in Wands Out or Going the Distance rulesets. Having Headwinds makes it even better. Avina is a summoner that I think I need to buy. It opens up a lot of combos with Drybone Barbarian and Iziar. The heal is really nice, and the +2 speed can be flexible when dealing with Sneak teams or slow teams.


SPL Separator.JPG

That is it for my current Rebellion cards plan. If there are more Splinterlands Journey prompts in the Social Media Challenge in the future, I will continue to share and update my strategy. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think, and if you have suggestions for improvement.

And as always, these are Not Financial Advice, and Do Your Own Research.

If you want to start playing Splinterlands, you can use my link:
Splinterlands Referral Link


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