Splinterlands is Turning 6!

in Splinterlands23 days ago


Hello there.

I don't know about you, but time sure does fly fast. Splinterlands will be celebrating its 6th Anniversary. That puts their start in 2018, and I didn't have any idea about crypto back then. During my time playing the game and interacting with different players in discord and in streams, I found out that they even had a kickstarter. Those that bought the high tier were able to have some input on the cards, and some even had their names placed on the card. One of the streamers I watched was PladoZero, and the card Plado Emberstorm was named after him.



I think a lot of these players that were able to get a head start were rewarded handsomely as time went on. Splinterlands and Crypto as a whole had a huge bull market in 2021. That is also when I started dabbling into Crypto and NFT games. I initially tried to be a scholar in Axie Infinity, which was the most popular NFT game in the Philippines at that time. As I learned more about crypto, I tried other crypto games. That is when I found Splinterlands.


I started playing in August 2021. I honestly think that this is one of the worst timing to enter. The prices were still high, but were slowly going down. So I wasn't able to buy a lot of cards, or take advantage of the bull market. If I had entered a few months after, around December, or even early 2022, I might have been able to get more assets. But, I'm not really sad about is, since I think I was still able to start early.

From late 2021 to just a few months ago, the crypto scene went into a bear market. A lot of tokens nosedived, even BTC and ETH. NFT games started losing money, and a lot couldn't handle it and just went away. But during all that time, the Splinterlands team kept on building, and working on the game. I think NFT games that survived the Bear Market shows a lot about the team behind them. They really believe in their product, and are driven to see it succeed.


I have been playing for almost 3 years now, and last season was the first time I was able to reach the Champions League in Wild with a rating of 3720. I could have stopped there and ended in Champ League, but I wanted to see if I can go higher. Unfortunately, I ended the season at 3600 rating. I'm hoping that I can continue to go higher and maybe reach the top 100.

My other goals would be to increase my SPS staked and owned cards. I haven't sold any of my SPS earned from the game and just kept staking them continuously. As for the cards, I have been playing in Wild lately, so I think I can win more if I have a wide variety of monsters to choose from.


The beauty of Splinterlands is that the battling isn't the only thing to do in the game. There are a lot of different aspects available to players. There is the rental market not just for cards, but also for SPS. There is the card market and collecting, for TCG fans. Land is starting to take shape. There is the tokenomics, and the DAO side where players can help guide the path of Splinterlands. And there are the tournaments, for players that want to face more difficult challenges, and the possibility of earning more.

Splinterlands has been going strong for 6 years, and I have been playing for 3 years. The team has released a lot of updates and additional gameplay, and still has a lot in store. I am still having fun after all that time, and I continue to look forward to playing it years from now!

SPL Separator.JPG

How have your Splinterlands journey been? What goals do you have for your account? Don't hesitate to let me know what you think, and if you have suggestions for improvement.

And as always, these are Not Financial Advice, and Do Your Own Research.

If you want to start playing Splinterlands, you can use my link:
Splinterlands Referral Link


Splinterlands is a resilient game, it has managed to survive several crypto winters

Yeah, that is why I am confident in the team and the game. They survived that, so it should be smoother sailing once we enter the bull market.

How are you doing?
Happy anniversary and inspiring progression on Splinterlands.
Do you have a preference between renting or buying SPS?
Have a great end of season in Splinterlands

Hello, sorry for the late reply. I'm doing good, thanks. I usually prefer buying SPS, because ownership is better in the long run, it gives some return when staked, and I think it is better for my account all around. Have a great EOS as well.

Thank you
Have a great day

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@outwars, you are most welcome!

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