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RE: “Mavericks House” Discord Channel Pre-Proposal

And what will happen if this measurement doesn't have the wanted result after a while? Up it and make it 500k SPS? 1M SPS?
I think it's a dangerous road you're taking here. If I would like to troll in mav chat, 100k SPS is a lot easier to achieve atm than buying 1000 packs.

As I said in my message: I still don't totally get what you want to achieve. I know you listed the benefits, but I truly wonder if you really believe that setting this requirement will create an environment with less salt and more 'new and fresh ideas'... As I said before: the only thing that will happen is that you exclude a good number of people who invested in 1000 packs, as was required, and are still invested and might have those ideas you're looking for, and nothing else.