Battle Mage Secrets: Heavy Hitter - Protect And Smash

in Splinterlands15 days ago


Hi all, hope all is well for you and it is time for another Battle Mage Secrets. Last week, we looked at a ruleset that stopped all kinds of healing be it self heal, tank heal or triage. Today, we look at a ruleset that is actually not easy to pull off but will be scary if able to fulfil.

Ruleset Spotlight


Heavy Hitters


  • All units gain the Knock Out ability.
  • Be sure to include a unit with Stun in your lineup to trigger the knock out.

What thrives with this ruleset?
To be honest, this is not an easy ruleset to bring to any advantage because there aren't a lot of cards that has stun as an ability. Even if they do, most of them require higher levels which many do not have.

Cards that have stun at Level 1:

Septic Slime
Pit Ogre

Water Caller

Uloth Dhampir



Look at how lean the list is when we only consider cards with Stun ability at level 1. So chances of capitalizing this ruleset is rather small. This essentially mean that we need to level up our cards in order get access to more cards with Stun. And in higher leagues with higher level cards, that is where all the fun happens.

Otherwise, what we can do will be to protect ourselves with more armour, Immunity and other defensive measures if opponent somehow has a stun card. Then for our offence, just go all out and smash hard with all the damage we got so that we do not fall victim to opponent getting advantage.

Stats wise, the higher the better in all aspects be it health, attack, speed or armour.


With these in mind, let's start to talk about the battle proper.

The Battle


Heavy Hitters, Fab Four, Equalizer
Mana Limit: 99

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Lobb Lowland6SummonerTo end this game fast, I need to call upon Quora whom will become bigger and bigger to get the victory.
Grund101stBig hitter with double strike and big health as well.
Quora Towershead102ndA double attack card with Heal and Blood Lust. A game changer, a match winner.
Mitica Headhunter83rdFast, lethal and can just make any flying card fall to the ground
Arkemis the Bear124thIncluded Arkemis to bring stability to the backline and also gives additional 2 armour to the whole lineup.
Total Mana:46

Opponent Lineup

  • Summoner - Lobb Lowland
  • Position 1 - Unicorn Mustang
  • Position 2 - Wood Nymph
  • Position 3 - Goblin Pyschic
  • Position 4 - Katrelba Gobson
  • Position 5 - NA
  • Position 6 - NA

Prediction before pressing rumble
Interesting lineup that my opponent put up. He went with a double healer lineup which is very useful especially when everyone is with 12 health. Will healing do better or crazy brute force attack work.

Let's battle!

Battle Synopsis

Round 1, Things did started out fast with Grund nailing Unicorn Mustang after Mitica puts a spear through it. One down, three to go.


Round 2, The same cycle repeat with Mitica striking first with the spear and Grund to finish off the deal with Arkemis doing what it is needed to do by holding up the backline. 2 down, 2 more to go.


Round 3, We are steam rolling. How is that possible that we repeat the way of clearing opponent lineup the same way for 3 rounds. One last hurdle to go!


Round 4, And yes, we manage to do this yet again for the 4th turn. Katrelba taken out by Grund. Victory secured with 0 casualties on my side! What a way to win the match!

Post Battle Summary
I am really glad to see how my lineup steamrolled my opponent with the powerful consistency. Grund was exceptional in this matchup, landing kill after kill. A great win by the big guns in my lineup.

Did my strategy work? Yes, it didn't just work, it aced the match and showcase the strength of the 4 cards working in synergy. Both Grund and Mitica were killing it, taking down everything that stood in their way. While Quora didn't do her usual match winning antics, she was ready to come in and overturn the game once she stands at the first position. Arkemis was also critical due to the high health and additional armour it gave to the whole lineup.

What's the Battle Mage Secret?

For today, the Battle Mage Secret which was in view of lacking stun cards was to Protect and Smash. Arkemis did a good job with defending the backline from Katrelba's crazy attacks, its high health and protection ensured nothing went past it to reach Mitica Headhunter. Grund, Quora and Mitica formed the trio of onslaught to opponent with the consistent pushing of damage through to wreck every card that came to position with a combo attack that ensured they will be taken out. This combination onslaught is the way to smash right through any card that appears at the front line.

All in all, what is needed is to be fast, act fast and ensure opponent cannot fight back. If there is a card that has Stun ability, this onslaught can be amplified to a greater goodness.

Wrap Up
I hope you guys enjoyed reading my sharing on the rule set Heavy Hitter. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or commented to let me know what are you thoughts.

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Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!

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Very nice.

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Hello friend! Excellent analysis of the battle condition.

It's true that there are few cards with the Stun ability, but luckily there are some that have it available at level 1.

Lately when I use water, death, and fire element cards, I am constantly using cards with that ability, and they are really very useful. They help us a lot in battles.


That is nice to hear, thank you for dropping by and hearing of your battles and how you've manage to get the cards to work for you!

How are you doing?
You have a nice line-up in the arena.
Thank you for this informative article share in the community

You are most welcome! I am good, hope you are doing well too!

Yes, I am doing great this morning
Good day

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