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RE: Do Users Leave Hive Because of Downvotes?

I think Bear markets takes the major blame, also over-expectations(users expecting too much from web3 in a short time). In my own case it's life lol, life happened to me and I can't even settle to come back to Hive or think of things to blog about.

My thoughts😊


Hey Olu! How are you? Did you ever manage to make it on the education plan you told me about?

Oh, I had so many huge setback. I'll ping you on X/twitter. But I'm thankful for life 🙏

PS: tried reaching you on my new Twitter/x, couldn't msg you, I'm not verified. My main handle is currently suspended, new one is @slydeblack

Have you seen that there is a built in chat feature on


Just checking it out, so many improvement