I Finally Have A Steem Silver Round!

2019 Steem silver round.png

The old Steem days

Here comes a bit of my personal history with the old platform "Steemit". Back in the early days, when I was still a little minnow and writing every day on my old account on Steemit, I kept bumping into shiny posts from the Silver stackers community and remembered feeling jealous that I could not buy such a silver round when a new Steem round was presented.

Back in these days, we were still in survival mode financially, trying to recover from what was taken from us before we left our home country. It was hard because we moved to Budapest under some really nasty false promises by recruitment and if we'd had known what we signed up for, we'd probably made a different decision and tried to find another solution.

But what's done is done, right? We survived and that's what matters. It was hard though, while I was lucky to find early support from big accounts in the first years, I needed most earnings for real life costs, paying back debts that weren't even supposed to be debts but I was done fighting against our government. It was an endless battle and when they even blocked my passport renewal request, I knew I just had to suck it up and bow for them and get on with it.

I felt supported emotionally

I can truly say that I don't even know how I'd have survived these years being so traumatised, trying to heal and build a new life in another country while barely making ends meet financially as things didn't quite turn out as promised. Writing on Steemit saved our asses, I tell you! It opened doors that were probably kept shut other wise and the best thing about it is that it made me see that I'm not alone in this, people all over the world are being screwed over in the way we did and until reading other people's stories, I really felt that we were alone. Sharing these feelings helped me process it all.

Long form content

I came for the earnings and stayed for the community. This is true, like most of us, I found my way to the platform because of the possibility to earn a bit, never realising that writing would become such an important part of my life. I think I can safely say that several years in a row I had very high expectations of myself while pressing the publish button.

My content usually had 2000+ words and came from the heart. Writing became my therapy for all these years, instead of paying a therapist, I earned a bit from it. I was not satisfied easily about my content though, I had very high expectations of myself to keep earning well. It took me years to wean off from that behaviour learning that even content that is amazing and 2000 words will often stay at a few bucks of votes and time became too precious to constantly aim for the best.

Adapting the content

Slowly I adapted a new way of writing because the earnings weren't the priority anymore at some point. I could start building my stake instead of taking it all out. This was not possible the first years after I joined. I can't keep spending 2-3 hours a day writing long form content, editing it and creating images along with the content and then earn 5-10 bucks tops for it, of which only half goes to me. Real life needed my attention and so I started using the platform (which is now Hive) more as a diary instead.

Silver has been on my radar since Steemit

And although I could never join such a community at the time because I simply had no funds to invest into silver, let alone gold. I told my boyfriend from the first time that I saw a Steem silver round that I wanted to have one. He understood and he thought I should make it happen somehow. I was too shy to try and see if it would have been possible so I kept dreaming instead.

2019 steem silver round (1).png

When we forked to Hive, Steemit faded to the background because my focus wasn't there anymore but on Hive. Yet, I always found it a shame that I did not get a Steem silver round at the time because it's simply part of my personal story.

The design

So as I was not a part of the community in 2019, I had no clue who designed the 2019 Steem silver round. I did some good old googling and found this post from the @ssg-community account and with the info I was looking for, I also read an interesting conversation in the comments where apparently Smooth was sponsoring 10 rounds in a community contest.. I like reading back sometimes to see how the old days were and who connected with who exactly but that was a very long thread to read so I stopped after some messages.



Looks nice doesn't it? I mean, dolphins, whales and sea horses are always cool but the total design is just very cool. When I opened the package I was super excited to check out this coin first because now I finally have a round from the Steemit days in my collection as well as one from the Hive years, so at least part of the story can be passed on to my kids.

I also love the community in the edges in different languages because this community is a real strong (although small) community. They are a great bunch to hang out with!

2019 Steem Silver Round (6).jpg
It was hart to capture how shiny it is without getting anything in the reflection :)

Certificate of authenticity

The round was sold to me by @goldrooster, and I'm very thankful that he wanted to part with it because to me this one has never been about maybe selling it for the silver value in the future but solely because I wanted to have something to hold and remember the old days where my Hive journey once began.

2019 Steem Silver Round COA.jpg

Getting number 288/1500 and the 2019 edition was funny too but I will save you the details here. If you're curious anyway I will give you a hint: I love numerology.

2019 Steem Silver Round (2).jpg

Here it is one more time for the details, I really love it and I'm so happy with it. I'm so grateful to finally have one. That's it, I'm calling it a night and heading to bed, wishing you all a great weekend!

For the SSG OG's reading this, how many of you have this round still in your collection? Let me know in the comments :)

All pictures above are mine, minus the screenshots (see source)...


What a nice round to add to your collection! That is awesome!

Yes, very happy with it!


You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @thebighigg.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Thank you for sharing your story! Being less than 2 years on Hive, I did not know all that you went through back in the Steemit days, as I was not around then. Sounds like a harrowing "adventure," if you want to frame it in the most positive way possible. I had an "adventure" (or two, or three) in my life as well, though at the time I would more likely have called them a "shitshow." 😆

I'm so glad you survived, and even thrived, coming to own this piece of your personal history!


You're welcome, it's a lot to share that story lol but writing really was my therapy. I had to stop writing on the first account when a nasty stalker would keep leaving nasty comments on my posts and I got sick of ignoring it and kept seeing it pop up. I took a full break from Hive/Discord for 2 months before I came back and started from scratch.. Only a few people knew it was me, the rest I told later, lol.

I wanted to see if I was able to build a high rep account again from scratch without saying it was me. If you lose everything you have once, move countries with just a few suitcases of personal stuff a few times, this felt like a minor challenge compared to that, lol.

It's sad that due to those years I was not able to optimally build my account for several years but gosh I will always be so grateful that these platforms exist because it saved our asses a few times :)

I'm happy to connect with you, and thank you for showing up here !LADY !LUV

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willendorfia, thisismylife sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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You must be killin' it out here!
@willendorfia just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @thisismylife.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

I was still a little fish then with a dust upvote. I finally got one of these after writing an entry post for a Steem Round giveaway contest. I won one round for @silversaver888 and one for myself when the dust settled.
A guess to what didn't happen?
Yes, It got lost in the mail.
After two months the ever generous @raybrockman sent me a replacement.
Steem Round Number 664.
This is one of number of non-delivery episodes and why I hold my Postage system in such low regard and source of Mail delivery angst.

With ❤️

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@kerrislravenhill, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @thisismylife and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/30 calls)

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thisismylife, kerrislravenhill sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/5) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Oh dear @kerrislravenhill, this comment made me go check out all the links you shared, reading most comments that were in these links and then learned so much about the Silver stacking ladies history between you and @silversaver888.

It moved me to tears, truly! I learned about your medical history there too and that you are a strong warrior @silversaver888. I saw all these loving comments when you were absent thanks to @kerrislravenhill sharing these links.

How amazing that you won both of you a round, but how shit that this was one of these rounds getting lost in the mail :( people should learn how to stay away from stuff that doesn't belong to them!

I'm happy that @raybrockman send a replacement, how kind of him!

Thank you so much for leaving this comment, I learned so much and it moved me to laughter and tears seeing the joy of you opening gifts as well as @Silversaver888 being such a loved and generous person sending out these silversaver bars that were first laid out as a flower. I've seen these many times in your pictures but never this video.

What a way to start my Saturday much !LUV to you both ladies !LADY

We go back years @thisismylife
Here is the end chapter of a 17 part series on my Mexican coin collection; Sister Teresa Chapter 17 as all the chapter links are listed here. I wrote silversaver888 in as the talented Nun Sister Argenta Saviore in this short story. I reveal her backstory in Chapter 7. I had fun writing this, enjoy.

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kerrislravenhill, thisismylife sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Congrats on getting your first steem silver 😉 I got mine from @thedamus and I was Lucky to get same number on all 3 years coins.
You are soo right about steemit always will be remembered in our minds as where it started.

Good add to your collection and soon your stack Will be big as a mountain 😁 lol

Have a wonderful sunday. Much love and Hugs 🤗❤️💋🤗

That's cool having the same number every year.. I always end up with 3's in numerology which I love because I have a life path number of 33. You can believe in it or not, I do, and I enjoy it very much when I start counting and end up with a 3 or 33 (better!) or dividable by 3 :)

And yes, it will always have a place in my heart, I mean the villain is not worthy to speak about but the things happening before he took over are.. And in the end we all found each other here so I look at the positive sides anyway..


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@thisismylife, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @saffisara and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/3 calls)

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saffisara, thisismylife sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I have several of each of our rounds in deep storage. We used to have so much fun with things like that, maybe this bull run we can do some more cool crypto/silver stuff.

That's cool, I only have this one (for now at least) maybe I will get my hands on one of the other designs in the future, we'll see. I wouldn't mind seeing more initiatives pop up like that..

An old school round.

You must be killin' it out here!
@silverd510 just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @thisismylife.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Yes, old but gold? !LOL

Congratulations... That will be very nice to be holding on the other side of the Reset...

Thank you very much!

I think I still have two of each of the three designs. I still love all three of them.

Nice score @thisismylife! Glad you're here going strong 💪😎

Ahhh, yes, I remember when those Steem Silvers came around. Although I'm not a stacker, I would have loved to have gotten my hands on one of those. Lucky lady, enjoy 😊

Yeah just a nice one to have. Maybe I will eventually get my hands on the other rounds as well but we'll see, I'm already very pleased with this one round.

I will surely cherish it!

Have a nice weekend over there :)

Congratulations! I have a feeling that I have 4 of these sitting in my stash...I will have to have a look though. It was a memorable design, and yes, a great community!

That's amazing to have 4 of them! I love the design a lot!

Nice round. I have them all!

Yes, I'm very happy with it. And I thought you would have them all !LADY

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@thisismylife, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @silversaver888 and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/3 calls)

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I have a couple of those, they are really beautiful 😍

A couple, woop, nice! I agree, very cool design!

You received an upvote of 100% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!


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