Again a post that shows my real life without decorations. These are not special places where I go to make photos, or places where I travel kilometers away from my native city.
It is my native city. My native district. My native house and all things around that I see every day.

Now you have a chance to be my eyes and see pieces of my everyday life.

It was my evening meditation walk, how I call it.
It's time when I am alone with my cam and just walk where I want and make photos of some details that have caught my eyes.
It's my best refreshment and recharging, because during these moments I turn off my brain and let myself be a part of the world around...

these wonderful rape grows anywhere around my house. It's a cool bonus of road repairment that is being made near my house, and somehow this fact has helped these sunny flowers have a new area for growth.
I like their brightness!

a real alley of rape - like it!

that's my house, I live on the 7th floor
that's the house that my Dad built! he was a builder at that time;)

our bus

poppies are amazing as well

so bright flora just in front of my house! Happy to see these spring colours there

a nice flora design

my favourite yard dog;)
I call her Horse;))
she is running to me very fast when she sees me, she reminds me a horse at those moments;))

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a nice flora garden near my house

a great bird house, and they really live there!

not a real but very cute palm yeah?:)
made of plastic bottles;)

one of our cute cats;)

a piece of field just near my house, 2 min of walk
Like this place and go there when I need silence and rest

field fauna;)

sunset and the lake in front of my house


You are living in a beautiful place. Everything you captured here is beautiful, you are really surrounded with pretty things in your place, the flowers even the road, just really everything.

you know, when I see it in shots, I really understand how nice it is! a field, flowers, a lake...but when we live and see all of it every day, we stop to notice this beauty. You're right, it's a great place:)

Amazing shots ✨
keep up the good work 👍

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

thank you, guys!!

You definitely have a good eye for photography. I also love these besides the place ✨