Outdoors and more: Community posting guide

in Outdoors and morelast year (edited)


I began this community a couple years ago with the intention of posting about my outdoors adventures: Four-wheel driving, kayaking, hiking, camping, shooting and hunting plus firearms related topics to name a few. Eventually, other people came along so I set some guidelines for posting here.

I wanted it to have a certain feel and look and be a place others could come knowing what they'd find, that is, posts about the outdoors, natural and wilderness places and the adventures people have there, and to add their own if they felt inclined.

The posting guide is to help people decide if this community is suitable for them. In it, are guidelines and rules I use to maintain the integrity of the look and feel of all my communities - they're mine after all - so figure I have the right to impose some guidelines that help them look and feel the way I would like them to.

If you want clarification simply reply to this post, although I think the following information is self-explanatory.

The basic rules:

  • English posts only - No dual language posts or titles
  • Cross posts and single image no-word posts will be muted
  • No post-recycling or plagiarism
  • Videos must be your own with at least 200 words in the post
  • No spam posting - Once a day is sufficient
  • Minimum 200 words per post & your own photos must be used
  • No business or promotion posts or political rants


Some posting suggestions and guidelines

This is not the right community for content about cities, towns, amusement parks and other such man-made places or things including the park in the middle of a city and tourist attractions like zoos and theme parks. It's about natural places, the great outdoors, wilderness, lakes, rivers, mountains, oceans and so on...and the things that you do out there, personally.

Things like hiking, camping, four-wheel driving, hunting, kayaking, surfing, climbing, snorkelling, sailing, picnics and BBQ's, bike riding and other such activities are all welcome, but they have to be in the great outdoors, not your back yard or the little patch of grass in the middle of the city.

Survivalist and prepping content, tips and tricks and any hunting, fishing, firearms and shooting content is also welcome as long as it works within the rules above. Content about the equipment used to do any of the above is also welcome however remember to use your own photos as much as possible. I'll also permit nomadic-lifestyle and homesteading posts, however they need to be outdoor-oriented to stay on-topic.


What if your content doesn't suit but you put it here anyway

This is going to result in your post being muted and it won't be a conversation we have, it'll just happen. If your post is muted you'll have a choice: Rant and rave and call me names, or accept that your content wasn't suited to a community of my own creation and have another try, or you can just go elsewhere. Of course, if it's a simple matter of you having posted in dual language you could edit it and it'll be reinstated if you let me know it's been edited.

If you're not keen on the guidelines or a community that focuses on a particular thing as this one does, that's ok, just don't post here. You're free to go elsewhere and, if you really want autonomy, go and start your own community and post what you like.

Ask me questions

I'm always around the place so you can ask about the community and guidelines or whether particular content may be suitable - I do this myself when posting into other people's communities and when I'm not sure my content may be suitable - It's called common courtesy.

If you do decide to post here, you may see the following image pop up on your post from @outdoor.life, the curation account of this community. It's just an acknowledgement of great content although the curation account is monitored by a call-centre of eager and attentive operators just waiting for your comment to come through, so feel free to make a comment in reply if you like.

Furthermore, I'm a curator for the @curangel curation initiative so your post may gain some additional upvotes if it meets their requirements, and my own - I'm always looking for great content to promote and support.

Your post has been curated on behalf of the outdoors and more community.

#outdoorlife footer.png


I don't want to make this too long so I'll finish up by saying that when I curate I look for passion, personality and effort...if those things are there I keep reading.

I'm not that concerned about people's poor English or that their camera may not take amazingly good images...it's about those three elements above. Putting in some effort, presenting your posts well and engaging with other people on their posts will help attract people to you and to build relationships...it's in that way an account is built.

If you've got the right content for this community you're welcome to use it. If you're not interested, you can still apply some passion personality and effort to your posts elsewhere and the same account-growth benefits will apply.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

All images in this post are my own.


Looks like you've just got travel a lot of places, I love those image you posted here all of those are beautiful, I also love mountains and hikings travel of any kinds of place in nature, I hope you enjoy travelling keep it up and have fun.

I've been fortunate enough to put myself into the position to travel and have been all over the world; travelling is one of the most important parts of my life. Have you travelled around the world much?

I think I've got a community that motivates me to go exploring, I've seen several posts from people who share their adventurous experiences and I feel totally excited to start creating and showing some of the beautiful places that surround me. Thanks for this beautiful community.

It's designed for strongly outdoor-related content as you can see by reading this posting guide...All content of that nature is welcomed and I look forward to seeing something from you if you decide to proceed.

Hello, Galen!
Coming to this community by chance in a friendly publication and discovering what an interesting option it is for the content you describe. I congratulate you because, as always, the communities you create are well oriented and with a precise utility.

I have already read the rules and I will be attentive for when I have a suitable content that fits the requirements, I will be glad to publish it in this beautiful space. In the meantime, I will visit publications to leave my comments.

Thank you very much for continuing to contribute positively to Hive. A hug and happy beginning of the week! 🤗

Thanks for taking a look and commenting. Hopefully you find some suitable content and make a contribution yourself.

I just love how you handle your community. It is not a just, it is a topnotch with a well written rules, a clear one, that I think is also for users own good. With this, they will really put a lot of effort on writing their content. It's their own recklessness if ever they just post here without even reading the rules and about. The community is growing and I do hope you can handle more of us. Happy Weekend.

I suppose, like most people, I like to see the things I create looking good and presenting well; hence the rules, which I vigorously adhere to. I am happy for others to post there, I often enjoy the posts, however I'm not about to apologise for wanting to maintain something I created. Thanks for your favourable comment and support.

As a lover of the outdoors, this community sounds great to me to write about my experiences and learn from other fellow outdoorsy folks out there 🙌

Hi there @lezra, I appreciate your comment and hope to see you around sometime.

Joined. I'm always walking my dog in forests and taking pictures but haven't really found a community to post them in. Until now!

Forests quality for suitable content so that'll be good. Add some words in and you're good to go.

I had already joined this community, which I adore; I haven't published anything yet due to lack of material... obviously I hope to do so soon.

As good scouts, my wife and I love to go around the wild woods, spend the night in a tent and enjoy nature.
At this moment we have not been able to organize ourselves but we plan to do it soon!

In the meantime I hope to read lots of nice posts, I love the ones about wilderness and survival techniques, I always go looking for some videos when I have time (although I'm really rarely spending time on Youtube heheheh!).

Thanks in advance for this further opportunity to share your adventures and thoughts!

I saw you'd joined, thanks.

I look forward to seeing some outdoorsy stuff from you when you manage to get out and about, in the meantime hopefully you find something interesting to read. There's not a lot of posters here, which is fine by me, but there's usually something interesting.

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @wilsonthe, @hivehotbot ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Is it also possible to publish gourd or beach tours?

If it is about natural places then that's fine. I'm not interested in posts about beach resorts and the like though, man made places. Those will be muted.

wow,, I'm so glad to see you start building this community.
For me this community is perfect for people out there who like to be adventurous. Certainly outdoors related to nature.
Wait for me here, maybe I also participate in your community.
I want to share also my experiences when I was around nature and the environment.

No worries. If you've read the posting guide you'll know why is acceptable and what isn't. All the best.

I'm a newbie on Hive and on Outdoors and more Community, so I really love this community because it brings me more interesting experiences about nature on our planet. 😍 Thank u so much for sharing. I hope our community will develop more and more.

I'm glad you have found the community and hope you enjoy it.

Yubb, I will enjoy it 😃

Excellent opportunity to share with you my little adventures. I hope to contribute a grain of sand. I've read the rules, I hope I won't let you down. Thank you.

Ok, good. All the best.

The world out there is so vast and vast. The photos are gorgeous.

It sure is, thank you for your comment on my photos, I enjoyed the moment in which each of them was taken.

Hello admin.

I am a newbie to this platform and still exploring it. I would say that I love doing outdoor activities and now that I've found your community, I wanted to be part of this.

I have read your rules and guidelines and I wished that I will suit here. I think I will grow and develop my skills more in this community.

Thank you so much for sharing.

That's great. Please keep your content strongly outdoor experience related, it's not a place to post about buildings and cities, resorts and such places. It's about nature.

I'll look out for your posts.

You don't have to call me admin either, you can use my username. galenkp

Yes, I will.

I have a question: Can I tag Outdoors & More by posting in another community?

You can, but I'll not curate it.

Thank you for clearing this up. Have a nice day

No worries, you too.

Me encanta lo natural estare por aqui entonces

I don't speak Spanish so do not know what this says.

I love natural I'll be around then

Oh that's great, I'm glad you read the posting guide too, it means yous'll know what to do and how to post in the community.

If correct, the first thing to do is to read the rules of each community to avoid making mistakes.

I agree, so many do not though, and they end up getting it wrong. I am glad you did and I look forward to seeing your posts.

Your intro photo looks like Ukraine before war.Eh!

Wow. It is an incredible journey building this community! Your passion for the outdoors shines through, and I appreciate the effort you've put into maintaining its unique feel. The guidelines make it clear, ensuring a cohesive and authentic experience for all members. The emphasis on genuine content over perfect English or high-quality images is refreshing. Looking forward to being part of this vibrant community and sharing my own outdoor adventures! Congrats!!

Thanks for taking the time to read the posting guide, it should give you a clear concept of how to use this community and create posts that fit into the community theme. All the best.

hello galenkp.

I think this community is very good for people who like to travel and be outdoors. I want to ask, at least how many photos can we display in this community post?

One photo is the minimum and I'd say up to 8-10 is about the most otherwise people lose interest if they have to scroll too much - I do anyway. Just make sure the images are all your own and you follow the posting guide and rules and you'll go ok.

Okay galenkp. Thank you for this information and direction.

Manifesting to do this someday☺️

I really love natures and beaches hope someday I can travell a lot, btw I really likes the picture it is pleasing in my eyes😍

Beaches are good.

Greetings @galenkp, river and beach walks would be appropriate for the community...as well as visits to fields or forests?

The photos are beautiful, the waterfall looks spectacular.

Hello there, nice to meet you.

Anything that is about nature (natural places) is ok so rivers and bea he's will work. You can also post about equipment related to such places and outdoor activities like hiking equipment, guns (as per my last couple posts in the community) and so on. The posting guide explains it I guess.

Likewise, a pleasure to meet you.

Thanks so much for the info, I'll check out your latest posts on hiking gear, among others, in a moment.

Happy weekend!

Happy weekend to you also.