Clive updates - loading transactions from files & more CLI commands are now available

in HiveDevs7 months ago

The following features were added to the Clive: loading a transaction (signed and to be signed), saving a signed and unsigned transaction to file, and creating profiles using CLI.

Loading a transaction from a file

The feature is available on the Operations view.

Loading a transaction from a file - Operations view

After choosing Load from file from the bottom menu, you may select a file.

Selecting a file with transaction

When the file is uploaded, the transaction is presented on the transaction summary.
On the screen, there is information about the file name, whether the transaction is signed or not, and transaction metadata.

Transaction summary

If you already have some operations stored in your cart, loading and broadcasting a transaction from a file won’t affect them.

Only JSON files can currently be imported. Support for binary files will be added in future versions.

Save a transaction to a file

There is also a new feature that allows you to decide whether you want to save signed or unsigned transactions.
Saving transactions in binary format will be available soon.

Saving transaction to a file

Creating a profile using CLI

To help you use the CLI in an easy and comfortable way, command descriptions are available. If you don’t know how to use a command you can type clive <command> --help to see its usage description.

The command schema is here

The commands allow you to:

  • manage a profile (create, delete, show)
  • manage your working account (set, unset, show)
  • manage your watched accounts (add, remove, list)
  • manage your keys (import key, list)
  • manage a node (set, list)

More information on the Transaction summary view

The following information was added to the Transaction summary view:
The information whether the transaction came from a file or is created based on the cart.
The transaction metadata: Ref block num, Expiration, and Hash.

Transaction summary

More info about running Clive can be found here: Clive - alpha release. Just please make sure to use the recent version: v1.27.5.2


docker run -ti hiveio/clive:v1.27.5.2

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