Writing down wishes on new moon day / 新月の日に願い事を書いてみる

in FreeComplimentslast month (edited)

Tomorrow is the new moon day. Last month, a video recommended by YouTube informed me that "wishes made on the new moon more likely to come true," due to the absence of moonlight.

Whether you believe it or not, there's something quite enchanting about making wishes to the moon, and I've been writing down my wishes in my notebook.

"I want my own office," "I'd like to have a Jeep," "I want to be good at delegating my tasks," "I want to be rich," "I want to lose weight" — my list is filled with raw desires 😂

Expressing these desires, even just to myself, somehow feels like they might just come true. Last year, I managed to rent my first office, and regarding driving, I'm currently taking lessons 20 years after not driving. I've even lost about 1.5 kilograms since last summer!

From less spiritual point of view, I think that writing down wishes make our goals clear, the goals boost our motivation and spur us toward making them a reality.

How about writing down your desires in a nice cafe? If they come true, it's a bonus 💰😊

🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑




こんな欲望もぶつぶつ言って書いておくとなんとなく叶う気がします。去年念願のオフィス1号を借りられたし、車についついては今ペーパードライバー教習に通ってペーパードライバーを脱しつつあります。体重も微妙に去年の夏から1.5キロほど落ちました w

