If Your Stun Guy Fails, What You Should Prepare

in FreeCompliments14 days ago

Hey there

Welcome to another of my Splinterlands post, The Battle Mage Secret challenge. Same as yesterday, we still have Heavy Hitters ruleset as our main theme.

I won't go detail about the ruleset, because everyone already has the right big picture... All your units get a knock out ability, so they will do double damage to any of stunned target. So let's put a stun user in your line up and see what happens next...

I have won several battles in the last few days however all were sucks... I mean somehow my opponents were lame during this Heavy Hitters ruleset. For example this one:

~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

I reallt hate when for hours I had been looking for the rulesets, then when I got it... my opponents did this too me. Happened several times, a waste of time because those this kind of battle could not tell me any story.

However... I had noticed something there... What happens if your stun guy fails? I mean you put that dude into your line up but turn out to be a waste?

let check the battle about that!

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

Ok this was the battle I had been looking for, a BRAWL battle on Gold Tier. It's a Death vs Dragon battle, but both of us used the same Stun Ability Card, the REVEALER


I like Revealer a lot, he is simple, small mana cap, with a stun ability. But in this game my side was in a more bad position, because their Revealer had higher level. In fact their line up had better levels than mine.


However I believed I had better summoner choice, because Thaddius Brood debuff made more sense in these rulesets. 53 mana caps, it meant we must go with all we got, of course without any taunting unit because of that Ferocity ruleset

Let see how this would go then...


  • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. My opponent focused on Melee and my team was all about magic attacks.
  • My opponent came with 11 melee damage and 4 magic damage. Combined all, they became 15 damage per round, however their titan carnage would deliver double strike.
  • My team had 2 melee damage and 10 magic damage. It's 12 damage per round, lower than my opponent fire power.
  • This was an interesting battle because....


  • their DRAGON JUMPER killed my Revealer right away in the first move...

Stun Guy Fail #1 : Die first LoL


  • Round two started with my condition was quite messed up, however it would not be long because...


  • My Djinn Muirat smashed their Titan Carnage with his giant killer ability


  • Round 3 sitution had changed, my team could make a comeback and we were leading at this point.

Stun Guy Fail #2 : RNG F'ed you and you could not stun anyone until you died


  • Round 4 was the last one. Somehow this turned out to be a quick win for my team
  • Good game

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I mentioned two failures on Stun Guy above:

  1. Die Too Soon
  2. He just suck, could not stun anyone till the end

I believe we all have experience those two and those two failures are commons... I mean expect to happen anytime. So During Heavy Hitters, eventhough you have stun ability card, you must expect the worse if that dude fails... Here some tips on how or what you should do so your team still perform well even that stun guy fails

  1. Bring more than one stun ability card. Two or Three could work however I think more than three is impossible. No element could provide that line up.
  2. Bring a Late Bloomer Card. I mean a card that you expect could grow more dangerous as time progress. In this battle, both of us had one. They used Chaos Dragon, which he is hard to kill and keep sending blast damage everywhere. Mine using a Usut, with his Bloodlust ability which grew stronger as time progressed. Oh I forgot, they had two, not one, another one is WITCH OF WARMICK.
  3. Defense still play important part. My team could win significantly because I had Usut who could heal himself, and I had Scavo Hireling. My Scavo Hireling kept repairing the armor of the first two tanks, which both of my tanks had Void Armor.
  4. Believed in your hunch / guts. Whatever the rulesets are, getting the right buff and debuff sometime can settle the battle right away...

Ok That's all for my battle mage secret post today, thank you for reading it and see you on BRAWL battles!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art

see you on the next post guys !hiqvote

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