Trying To Build Up the Deck With 7 Gladius Case Opening

Weekly Socmed Challenge (7).jpg

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. With no more limitation for card level on every league, player are pushed to have stronger cards, included the gladius card. Today I would like to open 7 gladius case in order to reach higher power, let's see what I've got !


7 Gladius Case Opening

From the 7 gladius case, I only got 14 kind of cards, which mean I will get many copy of certain cards. Let's open them up!

1st row only contain 2 rare and 3 common cards, with some of them are 2 and 3 copies. Not a good pull.

Let's move to the 2nd row, there is 1 rare and the rest is common. But I found that the common card is pretty usefull, especially the isgald vorst that is golden foild (I play on GF fray, so he will be usefull).

Now for the last row, I expect a legendary or at least an epic card, but found a dissappointment with just 1 rare and 3 common cards. And take a look at how much copy of them 😅


Time For Upgrading

With the addition of cards I've got, I decide to upgrade the possible cards in order to have a stronger deck.

First there is the Whistling Damon, that are able to reach the 4th level now.

Now his health will improve by 1 point, which will allow him to stand stronger against the assasin. My aim is to reach the 5th level soon to unlock the piercing ability which will be very usefull to eliminate enemies easier and gain bloodlust.

Sarius Combine.jpg
Next there is Sarius. This rare fire element is now can reach the 3rd level.

She got an addition 1 range damage now, which will be great to deal more damage and gain the bloodlust. My target is to get the 5th level to gain the usefull poison ability

Next there is Liza Fox. Another rare ranger, that are able to reach 3rd level to increase her speed.

My target is to get the 4th level to unlock the stun ability which will be very usefull.

Last there is the Isgald Vorst. With 2 GF, now he can get into 4th level.

He got 1 more health to stay longer on the field. It will be nice to get the 6th level card because he will have piercing ability which will help him into a deadly assasin!


Upcoming Target

My target is to keep grinding, because now I played on 4th tier guild, which will give a great merits rewards. I hope my next pull will be more better, with some legendary or epic cards (i wish they would be GF because I played on GF fray).


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post. If you haven't play #Splinterland (the greatest battle card game), you can start join this #Play2Earn game using

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Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

@splinterlands for the cool game
@peakmonster for the cool card rent platform
Splinterlands Indonesia Community for makes this game even fun
Electronz for the solid guild
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
@marianaemilia , @arcange , @fengchao for keep supporting my post
@oadissin for reblogging my post
Canva and Photopea for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~


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🤩 !PGM

I will be learning the game soon. Opening boxes (cases) as a gamer excites me. I will see you soon SplinterLands!