Desde mis ojos, Chris Lebrón (cover) - Vibes Week 5

in Vibes3 months ago (edited)

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This week number 5 I wanted to sing and play for you, and this week I wanted to bring a song that I really liked since it came out, by the Dominican composer and singer Christopher David Lebron, Desde mis Ojos, the song that took him to the top and captive throughout the year 2022 to Latin America, the USA and more.

I hope you like my interpretation of this great song, a hug for everyone!

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Even though I didn’t understand anything you said, I felt some vibes in the song and that’s something only someone really good at music can do
You did so well with this.

¡Oh Wow!, thank you very much, your comment is great, I didn't expect something like that!!!

You’re welcome


Thank you very much, how nice it is to see your comment!

Multi talented. :)

I always try to give more when I can, thank you very much!

Excelente amigo👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Que bueno verte por aquí otra vez, muchas gracias de verdad!!

Asombroso como siempre hermano. Gran trabajo musical. Mi gran admiración por ti y por tu originalidad y versatilidad. Buenas vibras para tí.