Enemigos más comunes en videojuegos (ESP/ENG)

in Hive Gaming27 days ago

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Hello, gamers. Today I want to talk about 3 of the most popular villains in different video games, that is to say that they are the main villain of certain games and that (as you already know me and you know what genre I usually point to) make us spend a lot of terror when they are well used.

Hola, gamers. Hoy quiero hablar de 3 villanos más populares en diversos videojuegos, es decir que son el villano principal de determinados juegos y que (como ya me conocen y saben a que género usualmente apunto) nos hacen pasar bastante terror cuando están bien utilizados.

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Let's start talking about Aliens. We saw them in Aliens, Dead Space and countless other games, they are creatures that are almost always oriented to terror, without going too far the last game I played with this type of enemies was Greyhill Incident, and due to how well implemented everything was in the game, I was very scared. The atmosphere and the handling of terror was very good and it also reminded me of Signs.

Vamos a empezar hablando de los Extraterrestres. Los vimos en Aliens, en Dead Space e infinidades de juegos más, son criaturas que casi siempre van orientadas al terror, sin ir muy lejos el ultimo videojuego que jugué con este tipo de enemigos fue Greyhill Incident, y dado a lo bien implementado que estaba todo en el videojuego, pasé mucho miedo. La atmosfera y el manejo del terror era muy bueno y además, también me recordaba a Señales.



And how can we forget the Xenomorph from Alien Insolation? The one that we could only stun and advance by hiding in the best stealth style. Undoubtedly one of the best villains.

¿Y como olvidar al Xenomorfo de Alien Insolation? Al que solo podíamos stanear y avanzar escondiéndonos al mejor estilo de sigilo. Sin lugar a dudas uno de los mejores villanos.



Others who take the baton talking about horror games are the ghosts, we see them everywhere as in Luigi's Mansion, but in a funny way, however, in a worse way we can find them in Silent Hill 4 where we can do nothing but run away from them, or in Fatal Frame where they are the protagonists par excellence and we only have a camera to move forward and defend ourselves.

Otros que se llevan la batuta hablando de juegos de terror son los fantasmas, los vemos por todos lados como en Luigi's Mansion, pero de una forma divertida, sin embargo, de una peor forma podemos encontrarlos en Silent Hill 4 donde no podemos hacer otra cosa más que huir de ellos, o en Fatal Frame donde son los protagonistas por excelencia y solo tenemos una cámara para poder avanzar y defendernos.



In fact, I remember seeing my cousin play the first Fatal Frame and die of fear, the scene that always stayed in my memory is one of the first where a ghost climbs the stairs, as it could not be otherwise, Japanese horror wins game in the composition of that genre, and playing this saga you easily feel as if you were living one of those Asian horror movies.

De hecho, recuerdo haber visto jugar a mi primo el primer Fatal Frame y morir de miedo, la escena que siempre se quedó en mi memoria es una de las primeras donde un fantasma sube por las escaleras, como no podía ser de otra manera, el terror japonés gana partida en la composición de ese genero, y al jugar esta saga te sientes fácilmente como si vivieras una de esas películas de terror asiáticas.

And finally we have to talk about my favorite, the zombies. No matter if they are mutated zombies, if they run, if they are slow or etc, zombies are always a good idea with a horror game. We see them in countless games like Left 4 Dead, The Walking Dead, The Last Us Of, The Evil Within and par excellence, Resident Evil, the saga exponent number 1 of these beings, because although the saga is about bio-weapons and there are a lot of infected beings, zombies are the most recurrent and the most famous within it, and even many at the time we thought it was only a zombie saga.

Y por último tenemos que hablar de mis preferidos, los zombies. No importa si son zombies mutados, si corren, si son lentos o etc, siempre los zombies son una buena idea con un juego de terror. Los vemos en infinidades de juegos como Left 4 Dead, The Walking Dead, The Last Us Of, The Evil Within y por excelencia, Resident Evil, la saga exponente número 1 de estos seres, porque si bien la saga trata de bioarmas y hay un montón de seres infectados, los zombies son los más recurrentes y los más famosos dentro de ella, e incluso muchos en su momento pensamos que se trataba solamente de una saga de zombies.



Within the same saga we have zombies of various types, the common (slow and without consciousness) and living beings but mutated with some intelligence, however regardless of this, zombies have always been an important part of terror in any area and undoubtedly my favorite in the Survival Horror genre.

Dentro de la misma saga tenemos zombies de varios tipos, los comunes (lentos y sin consciencia) y seres vivos pero mutados con cierta inteligencia, no obstante sin importar esto, los zombies siempre han sido parte importante del terror en cualquier área y sin lugar a dudas mis preferidos dentro del género Survival Horror.



And well, people, that's all for today's post, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much as always for supporting my work, I welcome new readers, I love you all very much, I send you a hug and I'll see you in another post.

Y bueno, gente, esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Muchas gracias como siempre por apoyar mi trabajo, le doy la bienvenida a los nuevos lectores, les quiero mucho a todos, les envío un abrazo y ya nos encontraremos en otro post

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I made the cover and farewell image in Canva

La imagen de despedida la realicé en Canva

 27 days ago  

Deberías de hacer uno de los enemigos más poderosos de todos los tiempos 🤩

Sí, no estaría mala la idea :3

Loved diving into the spine-chilling world of gaming villains with you! From dodging aliens in Alien Isolation to the eerie encounters in Silent Hill 4 and the relentless terror of Resident Evil's zombies, these games have truly redefined fear in gaming. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome, the truth is a fun and interesting topic, even more when you are a horror lover

 26 days ago  

Horror games are too amazing, because even though they scare us to death, they surprise us with their magnificent stories, especially with the combat system for those moments.

yes, they are quite colorful and that's why I like them so much

My favorites are the ghosts, because they can be really terrifying, especially in psychological horror games like Silent Hill or Fatal Frame.

yessssss, I've been trying to download Fatal Frame 1 for a long time because I want to play it and I can't, I can't find a satisfactory file :(

There are several sites where you can get it, Google is your best friend xD

They are villains? They are very scary, I would not dare to play it.

haha yes, enemies of these games. It's a lot of fun