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RE: Legends of Elumia : More Tips for Tandaia Forest

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

This looks pretty cool still. Nice to see you are progressing along. Have the prices dropped down at all yet? I totally get what you are saying about not wanting to be in a party and get called away. It seems like there is always some kind of emergency in the house.


They have dropped and I have seen NFT's going for less than 1 SOL now. Mind you SOL is going kind of nuts so that's still $150 or so.

Haha yeah. I might get around to buying one someday. I have some tokens that are getting bridged to SOL and that might finally give me the opportunity to buy some.

Champions are easy to solo, but Battle Mage's cant half output some damage. My Mage easily dishes out more than my Champ but she's very squishy.

I think you would like it, but it's not got anywhere near the depth of WoW.

I will have to figure out a way to buy in one day. Right now I have shifted my focus to playing Civ IV. I need to go back and revisit Fallout New Vegas too.

Both great games, played the to death!