Spending Holiday In My Peaceful Garden

in HiveGarden2 months ago (edited)

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This week is a long holiday in our country because there is an Eid al-Fitr celebration. After my husband and I celebrated Eid al-Fitr, we decided to stay at home.

Do you realize that as we get older, we just want to feel calm to save our energy? Well, that's how I feel and I don't want to travel on holidays.

On national holidays, all vacation spots will be crowded and it is a bad choice to force yourself to travel. Even though I didn't travel to a certain place, I actually felt the true meaning of a holiday with serenity.

That is about my garden which is now growing and developing better and better than before. I feel calm by walking around my garden.

Looking at my plants which have given me many harvests. Also, the bright flowers blooming in my garden.

And, not only that, to spend the holiday I also harvested several plants that were ready to be harvested. Tomatoes and cucumbers. I also picked some flowers to put on my work desk ❤️

I am very grateful that now I can realize my dream of having a garden next to my house. I feel very comfortable spending time on holiday even just at home, in my peaceful garden. ❤️

So, enjoy my video with nice music "You Were Mine" by Carl Storm.


Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.

Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: [email protected]
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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I don't want to travel on holidays.

I totally agree with you for this point for summer. I want to be in gardens and my micro balcony 😊 Have a nice holiday week!

Especially when we have balcony and everything will be perfect for tea time 😊

It's a colorful garden, I love it! ^^
That is so true! We can't force ourselves to travel and we do not have to feel that now it is holiday and we must go travelling.

The most important thing is where we spend time with family and enjoy it and feel comfortable! That's the true meaning of holidays :)

spend time with family is a must. I enjoy the time with my husband

It's good that you are enjoying the weekend with your husband's company in your home in peace, it is true, at a certain age, one prefers the tranquility and harmony of the home
I loved watching the video of your garden, how the plants have beautiful flowers, and your vegetables continue to bear fruit.
My congratulations dear friend @anggreklestari

the important thing we have quality time 😊

Your video is beautiful, I like the flowers of your plants and the garden vegetables.
How nice, that you enjoy the holidays, in your home and your beautiful garden @anggreklestari

the flowers make the garden colorful for sure

It is blessed when we have what we need from the garden... Bless you!

In fact I rarely buy vegie from market again since I have garden

 2 months ago  

Your plants are so productive! You must be really pleased with your harvest.

@tipu curate 4

Thank you 😊
I am really happy I can get fresh food ingredients 😊


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You look so beautiful among the flowers and those healthy vegetables... love for you.

Are those hairy gourds you harvested? You also have some flowers there ☺️

Did you know that baby cucumber type 😊 the type is not long, just small but the cucumber taste has a bit sweet, yummy

Yeah I still have small flowers. The garden more beautiful with colorful flowers

Ph, so that's cucumber not gourd hehe . Yup. It can be eaten alone without anything else hehe

Wow, it's really good that my brother's garden @anggreklestari I like it, especially in the afternoon, I can go to the garden

Selamat hari raya mohon maaf lahir batin kak @anggreklestari

beautiful garden, supplier of our food, I congratulate you

Oh, you look so happy while harvesting your veggies and picking flowers. Life should be always like that 😁 Indeed, one values tranquility more and more as one grows older.

I know how much work is behind a garden like that, so congratulations ❤️ It's just lovely!

Hola, hermoso jardín y productivo, yo estoy al otro lado del mundo en suramérica, y pienso exactamente como tú, por eso me cautivo tu escrito, es triste no poder el vídeo porque me veo obligado a ahorrar saldo por la pobreza que estamos sometidos a causa de políticos corruptos, pero cuando esté en una zona wi-fi lo veré, tambien tengo un jardin en mi patio con tomate, aji cilantro cambure y maní

Simply beautiful your garden! You must be very happy for your harvest!❤️🙏🏻