Starting the Retaining Wall Project and other bits...

in HiveGarden17 days ago

Starting the Retaining Wall Project and other bits... .jpg

So, work has started now on the retaining wall at the back... the first thing that needs to be done is to dig a trench down and around where the wall will go down. So, this will be for the roadbase, concrete, and crusher dust to form a stable first layer of the bricks. The bricks that have been sitting near the neighbour's driveway for a little while already...

... and the ground here is clay, so it can be really quite hard to break and dig into... So, I generally progress a metre or so each day... before heading off to either music work, or other garden or house jobs. Thankfully, after this photo was taken, it rained for a bit... and that made the job lots easier and I was able to progress quite quickly!

Starting the Retaining Wall Project and other bits... .jpg

... one of the little garden jobs... to remove this invasive ivy from the bush that it was wrapped around. Unfortunately, the bush is one of those crazily spiky ones... and so it was quite a task to remove the vine without impaling my fingers on those nasty spines. These are the sort that will just go right through gloves...

Starting the Retaining Wall Project and other bits... .jpg

The trick was to not be too careful and precious about the underlying bush... I am normally more careful around the other ones... but this, would just end up with slashed hands instead. And under it all where these funny shaped seed pods... so, all of those came out!

Starting the Retaining Wall Project and other bits... .jpg

Next, the delivery of three truckloads (5 different types) of rocks and materials for the wall and various garden projects. My wife wanted to wait a bit... but we had the money now, and I figured that if the materials were there, we were more likely to get moving on the project... but if the stuff wasn't there as a constant reminder, then we would just procrastinate.

Starting the Retaining Wall Project and other bits... .jpg

So, roadbase and crusher dust for the retaining wall base under the tarps... and the drainage gravel for behind the wall drainage. That is quite a lot of rocks!

Starting the Retaining Wall Project and other bits... .jpg

... and on this pile, small river gravel for garden rock mulch. Probably around the lavander bushes and down the side of the carpoort. To hold back the weeds and grass and to give it a neater appearance.

Starting the Retaining Wall Project and other bits... .jpg

... and finally, the most expensive type. Rounded white decorative gravel to act as the mulch and "soft" layer under the playground set. Speaking of which, that needs to be set up soon... or at least finished before the kids finishing their schooling and head on to university! So, that is a project that has suddenly been bumped to the top of the priority list... before the retaining wall now!

Starting the Retaining Wall Project and other bits... .jpg

... and we had our fans removed by a relative, and replaced with lights! Now I'm no longer in danger of breaking my violin bow on one of these low hanging dangers... and there is much more light in our rooms and rehearsal spaces! YAY!!!!

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Taking on large tasks that will make life more comfortable later, back breaking work that needs to be done.

 15 days ago  

Phew... yep, back breaking for sure! But in little doses.

Back breaking work that will help going forward, if vegetable planting area.

When empty fill broken glass layer then larger rock, small stones, river sand then top dressing it helps keep moles out if you have them in your area. This is how bowling greens are laid here to curtail underground rodents !LOLZ

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I don’t know and I don’t care.

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 13 days ago  

Oh, I had no idea! I'm not sure that we have moles around here... our problems in Australia tend to be white ants and termites, but with stone and rock that is much less of a problem!

We have termites and moles, leave the moles to run amok, except where able to build to permanently keep the out. Moles feed on ground termites and other bugs so they too play a good role in the garden.