Garden Journal: It's A Miracle!!!

in HiveGardenlast year


Welcome to my show!

It's been a while, I know. First I don't think there was much to talk about during the last few months.

It's wintery, it's cold, and it's boring. I did a lot of maintenance, trimming, cutting, and mowing.

I took pictures though...Let's do this!! Let's travel back in time, it's the month of February.


The first year we arrived on the farm in 2020, we loved the thorn bushes. It was summer, they gave us berries, we made pies, and we forgave them about their thorns.

But eventually, we got tired or these damned thorn bushes, and our surrounding trees starting to feel the same about it. Yes, trees can feel, you didn't know, now you know. Don't forget to hug them...


My whole fear during February was that the cold might come back at any time, and kill all the flowers that prematurely bloomed on our fruit trees.
The snow, it doesn't matter because it actually can protect the trees sometimes and create a layer of insolation against the cold.
But frost, brrrr, you don't want none of that thing.

Last year, we didn't have plums, apples, and cherries because of warm days in December causing an early blooming, and BAM!!! Frost in February, everything is gone.

Nature learned from his mistakes this year. (or the guys at HAARP)...


Jacky is always the star of the show. I might put this one as a thumbnail, this guy knows how to generate some clicks. Look at that face...


March arrived, I did a gig in Paris, I came back, I played with the cat, we climbed trees together, and started to think of a plan for this year.

My wife also participated 😁 That's not my wife, that's a cat...


Flowers started blooming somewhat late, I was happy about it, because it means that they might have a chance to survive February, we might get some fruits! This is a Japanese blossom tree, so it doesn't give edible fruits, but you catch my drift.



Eventually, I got all the thorn bushes, I made a big pile of it, and I'll burn it soon. It's going to feel great.

We also have the rest of the trees shooting, this is my favorite part of the year, and I don't know why.
Well, I know why, it is because it embodies growth, and hope.





I was mowing the lawn, and super proud of myself. I even made a gif, check it out:


I told ya, this some next level shit, this post...I made the gif so tiny, so it will load even on your potato phone and your 1 bar connexion.
You're welcome...

Anyway, a miracle happened while I was waking up at 6am, doing everything, cutting everything, planting everything, cooking, cleaning, doing karate/calisthenics, music, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....And passing out at 8pm somewhere in a ditch...

My son...

...HELPED... 😲



You don't need to know that I was nagging him for days, you only need to know that he picked the wheelbarrow and helped his dad. That's all. I did my job on this earth. There is hope, I told ya the spirit of spring is shining through that post.


I made a big pile of thorn bush...


While our cat can kill grown hares, our old Jack is discovering his hunting capacities and got taught by our cat how to hunt.
He is starting small, with a mole, but we got hopes that if tomorrow it's the collapse of civilization, he will be able to hold his own, by maintaining the mole population to a bare minimum.

I, of course, feel bad for the mole, but there is also something comical to have a 60 lbs (30kg) dog being proud of his bounty.

Nope, sorry audience, the mole didn't make it. That's nature on the farm. They do their thing, and while we don't encourage it, we let nature do what it's supposed to do.

I disposed of the body, only to find Jack posing with the mole again. That pic up there is actually after he dug it out.



Flowering pics timelapse.gif

For my music video I am doing a timelapse of myself, and everyday I've been shooting that plum tree, it's super cool to watch, right?



My favorite cherry tree is finally blossoming, I am currently using it as a backdrop for the music video I was mentioning, and it's going to look so legit on camera! Every day it blossoms a bit more, and soon the tree will be all pearly white.



on the right, you can see a tripod, this is where I shoot the music video time-lapse every day.


I learned also from previous years, that I got to trim this bad boy before it grows its gigantic mustache in summer. I have to admit that I am afraid of being high on a ladder, but I am getting the hang of it.


The land has been cleared for spring, with the help of our neighbor, I owe him another bottle of wine for lending the tractor, we're going to make a proper map this year, and I want sweet potatoes, sunflowers, tomatoes, potatoes, kale, cucumbers, watermelons, and many other stuffs that I can't recall right now.

I am about to burn the big pile in a few days. Happy days...

Alright, see ya in a month, hopefully, we won't get frost, and can grow! We might also be traveling for gigs, but not for long. We'll always come back home!


And this is from a friend of mine, I asked him if he could sell me a few chicken, and is answer was:

"Nah...This is my food"

Wow, don't get between a man and his food...Farm life! Out!


Well, one thing is for sure, Jacky did steal the show from all these trees blossoming, chickens, sunrise, sunset... 😂
In the first photo, you can't know if he wants to play with you or to kill you... Unfortunately for that mole, he got the second option... 🙂

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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 last year  

In the first photo, you can't know if he wants to play with you or to kill you

Haha there's another picture where he is yawning, hilarious. Hold on...


Thanks for the @ourpick also!!

 last year  

Your posts are always so freaking funny! I chuckle my way through them.

You have a beautiful place there! And yes, Jack is a very good looking dog. I'll bet he's a big help on the farm. Funny about the mole. How many times have I taken something out of a dog's mouth, only to find it back in there again as soon as I turn my back? Yesterday my dog ate a huge slice of Irish soda bread that had soooo many raisins in it, which are supposed to be toxic to dogs. One raisin, supposedly, can kill a dog. She was absolutely fine. She ate a good amount of chocolate recently, and was also fine. I gotta keep a closer eye on her.

I advise cutting that wisteria all the way down and pulling out the roots. As lovely and fragrant as it sometimes is, it's a nuisance! I used to trim mine, then it got away from me, and next thing I knew it was growing up, not only my house, but also all the trees in my yard and adjoining yards. You wouldn't have to climb up that ladder.

 last year  

Your posts are always so freaking funny! I chuckle my way through them.

Ah! That makes me happy to read this. I always go with the flow of the moment haha.

Jack is a very good looking dog

Indeed, it's his main quality.

I'll bet he's a big help on the farm

Nothing...Nada...He sleeps, and he runs after the cat. He runs away and eats the neighbor's chicken. I mean, he stopped this year, but it's because all the chickens are dead now haha...

I advise cutting that wisteria all the way down and pulling out the roots

Ah I like the dangling flowers, they're remind me of the Bougainvillier! It needs to be kept in check though...

You wouldn't have to climb up that ladder.

Well up there I just saw a bird nest. So I can't pull all the wisteria without destroying the nest! But I'll have to go there!

A comprehensive dairy with so much to talk about. Thanks spring has arrived, the snow and cold wont hurt some of your plants at least. Cute to have a dog and cat under the same roof, doing a great job to keep them both happy. And Ah, sorry about your passing out somewhere in the farm, you have a good boy that helped. Its a large farmland, isn't it?

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 last year  

Thanks for your awesome comment!

Its a large farmland, isn't it?

Yeah we got space here! Almost too much space, if it's even possible haha.

Good choice on cover photo. Hunting dog - whoop whoop!

it's not my wife it's a cat


What do you do with the sunflower seeds, just eat them like a snack or something else?

 last year  

What do you do with the sunflower seeds, just eat them like a snack or something else?

Good question sir, they're pretty, and also you can use them as tutors for other things! It's in theory, I failed miserably every year!

They are very pretty. That alone is worth it. Good bird seed as well lol.

I'm not sure what you mean by "tutors" though. Like as in a private teacher? I imagine that their best subject would be math - they have a lot of parts for counting...

 last year  

I'm not sure what you mean by "tutors" though.

Woops I was thinking of the French word. A stake, it's also called a trainer sometimes, but not the actual "trainer" hahaha...

It's used to support another plant...

Oh gotcha. Okay that makes sense. I figured it was either a translation thing or an autocorrect misspelling thing lol

 last year  

Absolutely love your post - it's not just the garden, it's the farm and all the life on it, the music, the animals, the family. How did your Paris gig go? Amazing your son helped. My son hated it all his life with us. He always said that he would have a concrete garden when he grew up so he didn't have to garden. Lol. Now he loves in an apartment in the city and loves it. His girlfriend surrounds him with pot plants...

Happy that Spring is here and y'all are so happy in the north!

 last year  

My son hated it all his life with us.

I am sure it wasn't always like that when he was a kid & young he enjoyed it. Yeah I am dreading the teenage years because if he is anything like me, he will want to explore further and further.

But nope, nature is awesome. I think the concrete left a big imprint, especially him, coming from Johannesburg. I know soon I'll have to get him a scooter or something. That's also super scary!

His girlfriend surrounds him with pot plants...

Hahah that's somewhat hilarious

Happy that Spring is here and y'all are so happy in the north!

Yes! Finally some action! In the souther hemisphere, season change aren't drastic so you can literally grow during the entire year. My wife is still getting accustomed to this! Normally her birthday it's summer lol...

Jacky is always the star of the show. I might put this one as a thumbnail, this guy knows how to generate some clicks.

Good decision hahaha! I was going through my feed quickly, and then Jacky happened to appear! :)))

The old boy learned to hunt now. A mole. No, don't be sorry for the mole, it just brings harm to your vegetable. I mean, when it will be the time they grow.
You little man helped, that is sweet. Enjoy while they do it haha

The cherry tree in blossom is beautiful, they always are when having flowers. But then, when the fruits come, you can love them even more. Thanks for the update, now we know you were not kidnapped by anyone lol.

 last year  

I knew I would catch you with Jack! Yes!!!

Well I do feel sorry for the mole, did you know that there are actually benefits to having moles in your garden? Crazy, right?

Thanks for the update, now we know you were not kidnapped by anyone lol.

Hahaha unless the kidnapper is now impersonating me on Hive forcing me to make posts!

Yeah I am so excited about the cherries! We're going ask for help this year, to make sure we harvest it all!

 last year  

Jack posing with the mole is really cute, I am not too sorry for the mole though.
I love those images, wish I had so much space lol. I could have all the flowers and veggies in the world.

 last year  

Hahaha everyone hate moles! Poor moles...

Thanks for the comment, I'll send ya some extra veggies ^^

Lovely to see things coming to life over there, too! Been away from here too long, so it's a comfort to see what old pals are up to. Hopefully all that prep work will pay off for a good harvest this year. Can't wait to see how all those fruit trees do! Our plums are coming along, but will still be a few years before we get any fruit. I have high hope for the figs this year, though.

Glad to see the little man jump in for some help! Finger crossed it is the start of a new trend. ;)

I'll look forward to the next installment! This time of year a month makes all the difference in the world as things really start to warm up and plants explode with life!

Things sure are looking good on the farm. Nice to see you in action. Now I want to see some tree hugging shots lol.
My D was very happy to see your N with the wheel barrow.
Looks like you'll be getting lots of cherries this year. ( I wrote hitting first instead of getting lol,maybe you could make that a thing)
Give my love to all the fam xxxxxxx

 last year (edited) 

Looks like you'll be getting lots of cherries this year.

No fruit yet! But the plums have fruits...

 last year  

Also not all the trees have plums, I've just noticed!