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RE: Getting close to planting time for these seed trays

in HiveGardenlast month

carrots and raddish: direct-seed. transplanting them is... crazy.

good luck growing onions from seed... not worth the hastle imo.

lavender: I had one bush and just kept digging up some of its rootlings and transplanting and now I got like 10. Never even thought about raising them from seed (didn't even know they sold seeds, lol)... works great with thyme, too (proof in my latest post)

anyways, good luck with it all.


Ah I should have read the directions better on the seed packs. Usually I just look at the depth and go from there. Okay will if they do not transplant well I will keep that in mind next year.

I was going to buy some lavender plants and do root cuttings but I did not have any established. So figured trying by seed, but maybe they will grow very slow.

Thanks man, appreciate the tips.