Outdoor time for my seedlings - Hivegarden Garden Update

in HiveGardenlast month (edited)

About three weeks ago I posted my first #hivegarden update blog of this new season.
Spring had begun and I had already grown some seedlings indoors. A couple of the seedlings (the beans) were already growing quite big, so I decide to move them outdoors into the garden.
I did make a beginners mistake because I didn't let the seedlings get used to the cold first. It's wise to prepare your seedlings for the move to a colder environment by placing them outside for a while every day for a week before planting them outside.
This way they can slowly get used to the colder conditions they were used to indoors.

But a week after planting the string beans outside we had a couple of really cold nights with temperatures around freezing point which the seedlings really didn't like 😞
So I need to plant some new string beans seeds.

Luckily the beans were the only ones I had planted outside and I can do it right this time for the other seedlings.
The seedlings have done pretty well indoors by the way.
I have been away for a couple of days and when I got back today I noticed that they grew pretty quickly already. At least... most of them.


The Zucchini's have grown the most. I even spotted a lot of flower buds already. You can see them on the plant on the right.
I planted four of them last year, but they grow so big, so I'm considering planting just two this year.
In between the Zucchini's are also some Cucumbers. They look a bit the same when they are small, but the Cucumbers have these 'threads' (I don't know how they are actually called) that they use to climb and hold.


Last year I had three cherry tomato plants. Although they weren't in the sunniest spot of the garden they did very well. And the tomatoes tasted delicious, so I decided to graw a few more. I also reserved a better spot for them so they can get a bit more sun too.


Then I have quite a bit of lettuce. I have planted the seeds in quite a big bin and in some pots. As you can see these are also doing well. I do have to find out if I have to give them some more space in the garden. Maybe one of the other Hive gardeners can give me some advise?


A bit smaller are the bell peppers. I had a few of them last year, but they only grew peppers at the end of the summer and they didn't get enough sun to get ripe. I ended up with quite hard unedible bell peppers.
I also have a new sunnier spot for the bell peppers in mind.


The Broccoli is still really tiny. These have to stay inside for a littlebit longer. They might have gotten a bit less sun because the other seedling that surrounded them had grown that big.


Same goes for the spring unions. These are only a couple of tiny blades.
I now have placed all the smaller plants on a seperate tray so they can get some more sun. I hope that will help them grow bigger soon.


So there are the tomato plants. I placed some small sticks alongside them because there is some wind. I will place them indoors again in two hours and repeat this in the next couple of days.


Same goes for the lettuce, cucumber and zucchinis.
I hope this way they get used to the colder conditions and that we don't get any really cold nights anymore.

And then for a quick round through the rest of the garden....


As always the raspberry is growing lushly. We're guaranteed to get kilograms of raspberries again this year.


The espaliered apple is looking good too I've added some more bamboo sticks so it can grow even more to the sides. It's the second year, so i hope we will get some more and bigger apples this year. Last year I didn't thin out the clusters of apples. I read that that could be the reason why the apples didn't grow that big, so I will look into that this year.


The plum tree has grown quite a lot of fruits already. I read somewhere they grow many plums every other year. And last year the yield wasn't that big, but this year it looks a bit better.
Last year we had to trash the complete yield because all plums had insects in them. I hope they will stay away this year.


The almond tree has grown a bit bigger too since we planted it last year. There are also quite a lot of almonds in the tree already. It looks a lot, but the edible part of the almond is really small, so this will probably result in just a handful of almonds. But we didn't buy it for the almonds itself. We bought it because it's a lovely tree.

So, this was the end of my #gardenjournal
I hope you likes my blog.

Since I'm just an amateur (this is my second year I'm maintaining a vegetable garden) I can use all the possible tips from other gardeners.
So please share your tips with me in the comments.

I also have a suggestion for the @gardenhive Community (@riverflows
I think it would be useful to have a Hive Garden Discord channel where we can chat with other Hive Gardeners. At least it would be very useful for me so I can ask some questions to the experts. Many communities have their own Discord channel. If you need any help in setting I can help you with that.



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 last month  

I think there was just never really any call for one. Ultimately it's up to @riverflows, but I don't think she minds a discord if people use it. In the past not many have really use gardening chats, so after shutting the natural medicine one down, it hasn't really come up again.

Your seedlings are looking great @friendlymoose! Bummer about the beans, but hopefully you have plenty of time for another round. I always feel like I learn more when I mistakes like planting out too early (been there, done that, and done it again, haha), because I tend to remember that more than when I just read about it. Though nature really can be fickle, so it's not always easy to predict when the time is just right!

I haven't grown a lot of lettuce, but they may need a little more space to get some nice lush heads of leaves. They look fantastic already, though!

I am envious of your raspberries. There are lots of farms with strawberries, blueberries and blackberries around here, but it is almost impossible to find raspberries. Perhaps at some point we can find some space to try some of our own!

Wishing you a productive growing season ahead!

I agree that you can learn a lot from your mistakes.
I think I can go for another round of beans so I will start seeding new ones tomorrow.

Wishing you a productive growing season ahead!

The same for you!

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 29 days ago  

Oh that pure beans. Maybe you could try covering the freshly planted seedlings with plastic during the night, until your weather stabilises to higher temperatures.

Have you ever tasted fresh almonds before they get hard? It's a delicacy that I love :)

Good luck with your garden, your seedlings look lovely!

That's a useful tip. I think we've had the most of the cold weather now though.
And I also train my seedlings now.

I've seeded some new beans now. Let's see if I can keep those alive 😃

I didn't know you could eat almonds early in the season too. I might try one then.

 28 days ago  


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