It’s Done! - May 4, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in HiveGardenlast month

Making granola crop May 2024.jpg

On Saturday morning I was up at 5AM and got the post up. Then I started making more granola for breakfasts. I got chores done and waited for the granola to finish.

I’d offered the feverfew on BuyNothing and someone was coming out to dig it, and the Anne raspberry runners. So once the granola finished, I headed outside to weed the Anne raspberry.

Anne raspberry - before crop May 2024.jpg

This was one of the jobs my helper friend kept done: weeding and pruning this bed. You can barely see the little runners across the front of the bed, so I started pulling grass roots out and cutting down/off dead wood. She was due around 8:30AM.

She didn’t show up but she had originally said 9AM. And I had said I wanted to get to the pastures by 9AM. So I kept weeding.

Anne raspberry - after crop May 2024.jpg

She showed up just after 9AM and I had nearly finished the bed, filling 2 of the big sleds. So I asked her to dumped them when I finished, and she dug up all the little runners around 3 sides of the bed. Then I spread amendment. I didn’t have any hay for mulching up here, so that will have to wait.

Crabapple half open crop May 2024.jpg

Another slightly better shot of the half open crabapple

We picked up and put the stuff away and headed over to dig the feverfew. That only took a couple minutes and we talked about her kids (the youngest 7 now, just born when we met, how did that happen??), her gardens (she has a 16’ x 30’ hoophouse, so jealous!!), and chickens (she has a flock, I don’t).

East lilacs - just opening crop May 2024.jpg

East lilacs – just opening

She left about 10AM and I finally headed to the pastures.

Fencing repair bucket crop May 2024.jpg

I collected the heavy fencing bucket and some wire and started down the south side of the back 40. It took me about 1½ hours to walk it and do repairs.

Old North - Virginia bluebells crop May 2024.jpg

Old North garden – Virginia bluebells

The poison ivy was very much in evidence this time around and so I put everything in the washer and got in the shower for the last of the dish soap shampoos and washes.

I was so exhausted when I got out I had to sit down for 45 minutes before I could finish getting dressed, etc. Once done, I sat for a while longer and made something to eat. Rested a while longer and finally gave up and went to bed at 2PM.

Big garden - garlic crop May 2024.jpg

Big garden – garlic is doing well

I woke at 5PM and made something to eat. Then I watched movies until 10PM. Sleeping in the afternoon like that trashes my sleep.

MacIntosh - buds opening crop May 2024.jpg

MacIntosh apple – buds just opening

White lilac buds crop May 2024.jpg

White lilac buds

On Sunday it’s to rain all day. I hope to clean up the kitchen, finish the bills/budget, tend the seedlings and water them, and rest. We’ll see…


The crabapple plant is awesome, i love how it beautifies the place. The flowers in your garden looks so healthy

 last month  

Another very full day for you. I bet you are glad that the fenceline is finished. Spring looks lovely on your farm with all the beautiful flowers in bloom.

Boy, am I ever! May is the most beautiful time on the farm.

I love the alignment of plants in your garden
I love how it isn’t looking scattered
It’s cute!

Well done! You have worked so hard to put your garden in order. It's like a canvas of Nature's vibrant colours and it's very soothing.
I still have my eyes on the crabapple.

sharing is caring

Is granola a cereal? Much work on your part and the energy with which you attack is really awesome.
I love the crabapple, it's so colourful.

It's sort of a cereal. The keto diet doesn't allow grains, so this is made of nuts and seeds instead.

A very beautiful and colourful garden you have there, the garlic is looking so healthy, deserving of the hardwork put into it.

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