Garden journal May updates

in HiveGarden28 days ago

Greetings to all fellow gardeners and friends all around the world.
Some gardeners are enjoying spring and some are already prepared for winter. here things are going very slow.
When we arrived back, it was nice sunshine but the temperature was 3-5 C. The Neighbor said, "You came at the right time there was lots of snow last week". It was all over everything looked like wintertime.
The long journey and coming from hot weather made us tired. Body and mind wanted to rest. we relaxed and started it easy. After a few days planned to work outdoors in the garden and it became cloudy.
Instead of cleaning the garden, we planned to wait until the sunshine. We started sowing different seeds indoors like squash pumpkin cucumber seeds, using empty egg boxes, and tomato seeds in reused garden plastic seedling pots.
Here I use this method to sprout the seeds like sweet peas, and beans.

Probably you gardeners know this method.


As soon as sunshine and temp. got around 8 C we started tidying and weeding the garden for the new season.
A lot of grass and unwanted weeds were all around. My husband took that job to pull the grass and weeds. and fixing big stones for the path.




Still, one grass patch is left on the path.


2 big bags are filled and the municipality will collect the garden trash to make soil and they will use that soil for public gardens.


Last year's compost is drying it was full of water.
This is all for this time.
We prepared the garden. Now waiting for warmer days before we plant out any seedlings, Soon will come with a new update.
Thank you.
Happy gardening. and best of luck to all.


I myself know that every time we have to plant new things in the garden, it takes a lot of work, it takes a lot of time, but after the passage of time, our garden becomes much more beautiful.

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 26 days ago  

Thank you @djbravo for your support and curation from @hivepakistan I appreciate it. :)

best wishes for your gardening this season

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 26 days ago  

Thank you very much for your support and encouragement.:)

 27 days ago  

Thankyou for your entry in the Garden Journal challenge!


You've been curated by @gardenhive on behalf of the HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY! We support gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome!

 26 days ago  

Thank You @plantpoweronhive For your support and curation. :)

Best of luck with your garden this year. It would be so exciting to see the outcome of the work put in.💚

 28 days ago  

I am looking forward to how it will turn out. Last weekend was very good over 15 C warm degrees, today again temperature is down to 11C. How is there in Canada? weather, your health, and your work? I appreciate your support Friend.💖

Yesterday I got sun for the first time in 7 months. It was 20C and today is 10C to get colder again through the week. 😞