Gardening Update from our balcony paradise- salad harvest

in HiveGarden25 days ago

It has been exactly 10 days since I last posted about our tiny little balcony paradise.
A lot of growth has been going on since then and there where also 3 harvests of salad leafs. #
The tomatoes has two flowers already with many more to come. Unfortunately, our wildflower bed is not blooming yet, so no smell and color attract the bees. I might end up manually pollinating the pepper and tomato flowers with the help of a paintbrush.


I planted the tomatoes in two medium pots below the salad bed as they tend to like it a bit more protected. I gave them a little thing to climb on as well and I hope that by the end of the summer, it will have grown on the balcony handrail and spread all over the place.
There is a possibility that I will have to repot them in larger pots though. In fact I might do that before the plant gets too big.
A full colander of freshly picked salad leafs. Actually 3 types of salad leafs but I again forgot their names. One is lambs lettuce and the other two are both just called "Pflücksalat" for which I found curled lettuce and lettuce or leaf lettuce. One harvest is always a salad for two or I guess even 4 people. We just like our salads so much that we end up eating way more than we should.


The lemon thyme and the rosemary are thriving and the rosemary will need a fresh pot at some point.
I know the one at my parents place grew into a huge bush over the years and I hope I can make that happen in a bit more condensed form on our balcony.

Here we have a closer look at the tomato plants both are already opening their flowers so I can not wait to share the first little green tomatoes on these babies.

The pepper plant or paprika will does have a lot of buds that are also starting to open up. Let's hope that are wild flower bed will be up and running by next week.

A little cleanup needs to be done in this bed where I discovered parasites on the salad. Or better in the salad leafs. It was contained pretty quick but it does not look its best right now. On the left side the carrots are doing well but we need a lot of patience for those to grow.
The potato plants are all thriving except for the one on the right. It is because this pot has no saucer and is losing water quicker than the other three. I will correct that mistake and we will see if it helps the little potato plant to catch up with its buddies.
I can't wait for the first salad where everything comes from our balcony garden. The pepper and the tomatoes in this salad are still from the shop downstairs.

That was it for my gardening ventures for this week.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Your balcony garden looks great and I'm envious hehe. I imagined the tomatoes will be fruiting generously in the next few months. And your salad, yum!

Thanks a lot. The tomatoes will be amazing and the saladhas been tested and it is indeed: yum ;)

I can only imagine :) The joy of picking your own produce and serving it on the table :)

Nice and rehived :-)

Thank you!

This garden is looking so fresh and cool. It is actually well kept and nutured

Thank you! I picked humus from our local trash disposal service for free, they make it out of the biological waste people collect, and each citizen can get a bucket of soul per day. As many people are not taking this free soil I picked up several buckets already.

Wow😍😍😍😍 first of all this gives me the vibes to live healthy and it has made the room very beautiful...

That's like a lot of benefits for one move....

I can't believe it grows so well in just 10 days. Amazing work @solymi

Thank you! It is just a little hobby but if I had a proper plot of land that is exactly what I would be doing all day. Farming has its beauties, and it keeps you fit as well. We enjoyed the salad with a little noodles and bolognese, so you only saw the healthy part of the food. ;)

Well noodles isn't that bad Solymi😂😂😂😂 well wishes for you in the future so we can see you make a huge farm💯

The lettuces look fantastic. I would put the basils next to the tomatoes to keep away whiteflies. Don't worry about pollination, the wind is enough for tomatoes and peppers.

Thanks for the tip with the Basil, that is a pretty good strategy. It is quite windy on the balcony so thanks for that tip too!

I really can’t wait to see that the tomatoes have begun to germinate
Do you have an idea of how long it takes?

My guess:
It could happen within the next 7 days.

!discovery 30
