Newspaper Boy to World-Famous Soccer Agent: How You Can Do It Too–John Viola | EP205

by @nodegree on The NoDegree Podcast
View my bio on CastGarden: Newspaper Boy to World-Famous Soccer Agent: How You Can Do It Too–John Viola | EP205

He got his start as an entrepreneur at the age of eight. He sold newspapers. Today, John Viola is a successful soccer agent. This week he discusses the challenges faced and mistakes made along the way and emphasizes the importance of passion and hard work in achieving success. John also highlights the impact of AI in the soccer industry and the opportunities it presents. He shares inspiring stories of players he has represented and the satisfaction he derives from helping them achieve their dreams. John aims to pass on his knowledge and mentor aspiring soccer agents through his academy.

Key Points Discussed

  • Passion and hard work are keys to success in any career.
  • Mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning.
  • The soccer industry is constantly evolving, and embracing new technologies like AI can lead to new opportunities.
  • Helping others achieve their dreams can be incredibly rewarding.
  • A college degree is not a prerequisite for success in the soccer agent industry.

00:00 Introduction: From Selling Newspapers to Becoming a Top Soccer Agent
01:28 The Role of a Soccer Agent: Negotiating Contracts, Scouting Players, and Networking
04:10 Transitioning Careers: From Electrician to Financial Services to Soccer Agent
06:31 Becoming a FIFA Agent and Building a Successful Career
11:22 The Evolution of the Football Industry: Changes and the Impact of Technology
14:19 Overcoming Challenges: Perseverance and Learning from Mistakes
23:45 Inspiring Stories: Helping Players Achieve Their Dreams
26:12 Navigating Difficult Times: Overcoming Challenges and Staying Motivated
27:36 Teaching and Mentoring: Passing on Knowledge to Aspiring Soccer Agents
29:04 Opportunities for Aspiring Soccer Agents: Fast-Tracking Careers and Building Success
32:28 An Inspirational Story: From McDonald's Delivery Guy to Successful Soccer Agent
35:22 Final Thoughts: Pursuing Passion and Finding Fulfillment in the Soccer Agent Industry

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