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RE: My Long Absence From Hive


just today I saw and read again stories in everyday life from you, it's true what kids say it's been a few months since you've been absent from sharing stories on hive.

I am one of your fans and I am also one who is very interested in reading stories from you, very happy because you can share stories again together here in the #aseanhive community

after all I read and I listened to the meaning of the writing you shared this time it turns out that the life you are feeling this time is quite difficult for you to live, the responsibility of a father that you run now is also very heavy, but I applaud what you are doing now to accompany your favorite son is jonathan,

he does look very happy when he bathes in the swimming pool, maybe his pleasure is because he is accompanied by a very loyal father who accompanies him as well as a very loyal mother who accompanies him wherever he goes, hopefully your family my best friend will always be given health by God who almighty... Amen....


@alvonsohiver , I am very touched by what you have written. Your comments give me a lot of hope and encouragement. I hope that I can continue to share more of my stories here.

 2 years ago  

yes that's true, because your presence to share stories in your daily life, can be an inspiration for all of us,because you are one of the talented writers,and I am very interested in reading stories in our daily life,and you are a father who is full of responsibility, I am always to you my best friend,,, good health always..

Thank you very much for your kind words. I am happy that my writing is able to inspire others.