Setting half way there goals


Over the past whole year, I technically haven't been doing much. The goals that I've set in 2019 year end, part of them achieved in the first two months in 2020. The rest of the resolution, basically burnt due to lockdown.

I didn't make much wishes in 2020 year end, because 2021 were still much uncertainty, and I'm living each day with the blessing from both #steem and #hive. There's no need to dodge the snow ball, it hit me right in my face, proven double edged sword can cut my hands too. Once again, despite the ambitious goal setting, doesn't mean I have the ability to achieve them.

I've totally given up 2022. I remember I put up a post saying I want to reduce my game time since I've been #drugwars a lot. I wished I haven't spent that much of time fiddling with that game, so I can concentrate in making good blogs, sleep early, be more productive at work rather than checking back see if anyone attack me. Those are not goal settings, merely setting a direction for myself in a vague manner so I can TRY to achieve something.

Lo and behold, I did cut down my #drugwars time, but did I write better blog and am I doing it consistently? No I didn't. Instead of playing #drugwars, I ended up playing with mobile phone games 🤣 I think I spent even more time in fiddling the phone, considering now I need to use the phone for work, and also need to use the phone to play. That easily tripled my screen time, and I sleep even lesser and making even lesser blog than the year before.

I guess the only biggest achievement I had in both 2021 and 2022, is my delegation to ASEAN Hive community. For a short period of time, I felt like the achievement can satisfy my ego for a very long time, but I was wrong. The feeling of finally be the biggest delegator become void, I literally sitting on the toilet bowl, holding my phone upside down and can't think of a topic to write a blog post.

Ok enough of the super long metaphors. I'm just saying, before the pandemic I've set unrealistic goal that almost makes me feel like I'm useless when I can't achieve them. And the following year, I set goals that is so easy to achieve, as a matter of fact, I already has the ability to achieve it even before new year, and I choose to set it a time line for execution, proven to be useless and delayed feel good activity. More like, if I know I can have sex now, why wait next year? And, when I don't even set a proper goal, it gets worse, as I don't even know what am I trying to achieve.

So, let's make it simple.

Lose half the weight

I'm now 76kg, and my ideal weight is supposed to be 62. I know I can lose 14kg in a very short time if I skip meals and go keto diet. But that's unsustainable and chances are after losing that weight, I go binge eating again and gaining all that weight back and probably more. So, realistically let's make it half way there. Let's change my lifestyle a little, gradually reduce KFC and replace with more Subway sandwiches. 7kg a year divide by 12 months, I only need to lose about 600gm a month. That's like I take a crap and 600gm 2ill be gone! If I can't consistently maintain taking crap every month, I need to see a doctor.

Not change the job unless the job change me

I've been shouting wanted to change job due to the hostile working environment. Now, nobody is stopping me to change it, but I find myself not quite ready to quit. Instead of quitting, let's hang on to the current job, studying up on computer technologies, who knows if the company decided to "let me go", I can still try to land a deal with computer firm? I don't necessarily need to change job now, but I really need to start something to prepare for the next job instead.

The game that doesn't pay, how much does ego worth?

Having said that #drugwars technically pay nothing nowadays, considering steem-engine is busted and god knows how long they take to restore transaction. The mobile game that I've been hogging on, worth absolutely nothing. There's only one time someone offer to buy my account for 200 bucks, but then deal turned out sounded like a scam, I've reported it and nobody offer me anymore. I'm basically surviving the game solely due to my pride of having such powerful characters. Playing these games, are not much different than my cigarettes addiction for almost 3 decades.

Basically, it's just a 3 simple direction I need to work with this year. To consistently lose 600gm a month, sign-up a part time course to prepare for my future career, and to NOT play anymore useless game if I'm not genuinely enjoying them, since they don't pay me enough to sacrifice my time.

I should reblog this post so I can visit back later date.


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Hopefully at the beginning of 2023 you will be better than before.

 last year  

Yes. The first week I have gained another 2kg 😂

All of them are very good New Year resolutions. Hope you can achieve all of them at this time next year. Cheers!

 last year  


It's good to set realistic resolutions (goals) for ourselves. I gave up years ago trying to set stringent resolutions. For the past few years I just say I'm going to try to do a little better than the year previously.

If I fail in certain areas, like improving finances (as an example), then I can look at other areas that I may have improved, like gardening.

This is like a way of tricking myself into believing I'm doing better so I can't fail resolutions 😂

Just chop the resolutions to a 50% percent ratio, that's a pretty good start 😂

That's unfortunate about your drug wars misery. Maybe that's a chapter of your life that's gone for good (with the way it sounds.) Maybe selling the account is not a bad idea if it can help you move past it.

Wishing you a happy new year ahead!

 last year  

This totally reminds me of a very crooked buddy I had 🤣 he does everything number 1 when we're young. The first to get laid, the first to got kicked out from school, the first to got into jail after scamming his own employer, the first who got married.

There was one time he said, "If you failed to anal, at least you get pussy... Wait... I already have pussy." 🤣🤣🤣

Well, eventually he left us at his early 30s due to "undisclosed sickness" and become a legend, topic about him screwing around become our nostalgic business talk whenever old boys gathering🤣

拉叔叔, Happy new year😘🌹,万事如意心想事成,最重要身体健康!

 last year  



 last year  



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 last year  
Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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 last year  

Well I should make some halfway goals too, I would feel much more like I'm winning at life 😂. We've been at our property a year and still have no fence because of many unrelated problems. I thought by now we'd have bungalows and bookings, but we planned on funding everything with crypto, so that didn't quite work out.

I've kind of given up on DCity because I don't have time for it and the newest expansion was just too much for me to study and adapt to, so I began selling off my assets slowly. My New Year's resolution was to post daily, and that failed on the first day, so if I halve it and say I will aim to post 3 or 4 days a week, I'll feel like I've gone above and beyond when I manage to publish 5 posts in a week.

2023 is a big question mark, but one thing is for sure, you're a valued ASEAN Hiver. We have nearly enough HP in ASEAN Hive to powerdown and buy a bungalow for the property. I've thought about making delegators 50% owners of the potential bungalow, sharing the rent profits 50/50, and also perhaps issuing an ASEAN Hive token this year, with one token able to be used for a one-night stay in this possible bungalow. I thought about issuing 365 tokens in one year and dispense them according to delegation size. Just an idea now but if I can flesh it out you'd have at least a one or two month stay each year to use or try and sell.

 last year  

Bed n Vege breakfast token. Sounds like a deal. I probably won't be able to visit until the kids grown up enough to go to school by themselves. Once again, take my token and make contest, put them into good use 😘

Setting halfway there goals is not entirely my own idea. Merely wanting to NOT veered off the course too much, and still have something to look forward to. With the new open travel policy from China today, can see the shit storm about to come. Once again, probably not due to the virus, but those "experts" already started giving statement of another variety of new strain of virus bla bla bla. After Omicron, now what? Megatron? Cybertron? Stimulate the greed, promote the fear, stir it with chaos, and it's a perfect recipe of money printing. Who knows, might be another opportunity to whipped up the crypto sphere.