Experimenting With Dandelion & Burdock: A Delicous Root Beer!

in The Herbal Hive2 years ago


It was super cool to see a conversation in my local community this week about the value of dandelion for the soil and for an edible weed. Someone mentioned dandelion and burdock soda, something I'd enjoyed in England when I lived there. I'm a big fan of the caramelly, earthy taste of root beers like sarsaparilla, and dandelin & burdock is even better as it uses two roots that are really good for you as a digestive and liver tonic.

I'm certainly interested in this as a drink to counteract the Christmas binge - or at least be a substitute for beer, given the fact I probably need to reduce my alcohol content for a dry January!

Thus, I set to work researching what exactly went into a dandelion and burdock cordial. Traditionally - as far back as the 12th century - this root beer would be fermented with fruit juices and honey, and be slightly alcoholic, but I didn't want to fuss with that. A cordial would be just fine. All recipes required simmering star anise, dandelion root & burdock in water for about twenty minutes, then adding the sugar and simmering til a little syrupy.


I used:

3 tbsp of dried burdock root
3 tbsp of dried dandelion root
6 cm of fresh ginger, rough chopped
3 star anise, broken
250 grams sugar
800 ml water


After simmering, one strains it through muslin and reheats it with the sugar. I wasn't going to waste time and energy simmering it for hours til syrupy - mine was thin but rich in taste and very much reminiscent of the taste I was familiar with. A good splash in fizzy water is exactly what one needs on a hot day.


I also think I could experiment with a bitter tonic of dandelion and burdock which is super for digestion. I remember reading one that also contained cacao nibs and orange, which would add to the taste a little.

But this was really a revelation - and certainly a way to use up the dried roots I had in my cupboard.

Have you ever tried, or made, dandelion & burdock beer, cordial, or bitters?

What's your favourite cordial recipe?

With Love,


The Herbal Hive Community

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No, not yet. I have wanted to make some sort of root beers but haven't yet.

Reaally easy, I think you'd enjoy it!!

Do you add any grain, scoby, bug?

No, it's not a fermented one - just a straight cordial. I think it'd be cool to do it with a bug though. Or you could add the syrup to a 2F kombucha?

Yea you could do the kombucha/jun 2F

Oooh I like that idea!!!

That's totally new for me too, learning something new! I know it would probably counterintuitive, but adding some gin in that drink could work wonders for new years eve 👍😁

Wow, that looks awesome. Everything about it resonates with me (even the dry January part!). I will have to try to make this - I've always wanted to do more with dandelions.

Oh do let me know if you make it!! I always drink too much in Dec and go dry by the 26th!!

looks and sounds tasty!

i had a friend who made a big batch of ginger beer once...it was very sharp and excellent

Yum. I've always wanted to do a ginger bug,maybe I'll try in this warm weather. I do love alcoholic ginger beer!!

First time seeing such a combo with dandelin & burdock - need to find , if we have burdock available in my locality.

I wonder what other roots could substitute as there are many kinds of root beer!

It looks good, I have heard of dandelion jam, now this is something new

Oh wow dandelion jam??? Is that when you get dandelions and sugar and water and make a kinda syrup from it?

Yuup! I remember seeing this being made by a woman called Nicole who has a channel with her boyfriend Jack, Jack and Nicole offgrid living. They live on a boat only property and they life off Youtube and their merch. She makes all sorts of stuff. Dandelion jam being one of them. It looks like honey when it is done

Ah yes! I made it in the UK. They call it vegan honey there. Not a fan but idea is cool.

Yeah vegan honey. The only downside of it is that it has quite a lot of sugar. These holidays I have splurged on goodies and I did notice that when I consume more sugar I tend to sleep too much lol. I think that this may show, at least in my case, how our body consumes more energy to process all of that sugar intake. So I try to avoid too much sugar. I wonder if one can preserve dandelion straight into honey. And in time the honey might pick up the taste and aroma of the dandelion.

It is 31'st of December here, so I take this opportunity to wish you Happy New Year and a beautiful 2022🤗🥰

Now this would be yummy in kombucha! In the second ferment? Maybe one of our beer brewers should try the alcoholic version @fermentedphil and @craigcryptoking? With crates and crates of apricots to process I'm making wine - with lemon verbena. Have you tried making wine @riverflows? I'm really excited. We only ever made mead but now I'm stingy with the honey

Oh yes! And I think brewing a beer with roasted dandelion roots will be awesome. I should try this now! I have so many dandelions and space for even more to grow just for the root. But I think it will be a two-year process.

I have yes! When I lived in UK we made loads of hedgerow wines. Elderberry and black berry, rosehip. Also gooseberry. I woupd love to try mead!!?

I have never made any such thing in my life, this looks amazing. The thing is I would not get the burdock and the dandelion root here, so I cannot even attempt to make it. Wishing you a wonderful New Year :-)

Oh yum, I love burdock and dandelion that is a marriage made in heaven lol. It reminds me so much of home. I have bookmarked this, cos I will most certainly be trying it out. Sending you lots of love xxxx