Monomad: Kamen Rider

The grasshopper, in our native language, we call it daruet, is an insect that we were familiar with when we were kids.

This brings back memories of the past. At that time, children were not yet familiar with gadget technology.

I remember at that time, we often watched Tokusatsu series or Japanese TV series intended for children almost every afternoon.

There is Kamen Rider, a hero character in the form of a grasshopper who comes to fight evil monsters who often pose a threat to human survival.

But in reality, this little guy is just a helpless figure. Instead of killing monsters, even he couldn't escape the threat of predators. In the wild, he must try hard to survive.






This is another entry I submitted for the daily #monomad challenge.

All these photos are my original work, taken with a Xiaomi POCO NFC smartphone and an assembled external macro lens.


How wonderful to see these insects up close. They are very striking!

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

hah, those era when Saturday and Sunday is always awaited isn't it om?