Sistelo Footbridge - Black and White Version

in Black And White3 years ago

Hi everyone
Here we go with one more entry to the #monomad challenge :)

Continuing the previous article!

After a quick tour through the small Sistelo village, walking along narrow streets between small perfectly restored houses and others that are in ruins, it was time to head towards one of the several footbridges that can be accessed from that location.

On the way, we passed the only square in the village where various tourists gathered after arrival by car, taxi, bus, on foot or even by bicycle!

After the descent that takes us to the bank of the Vez river, we find a path that connects to the footbridge.

The Sistelo footbridge has only about 2 km, however, they are inserted in the Vez Ecovia, allowing to extend the walk for 32 km that can be traversed either on foot or by bicycle.

Once again, it was not this time that we covered them, opting for a short and accessible distance just to enjoy a late afternoon in the middle of nature, ensuring that it would not be necessary to take a taxi at one of the collection points further on.

Today we stopped at the beginning of this small trail, but in the next articles I will explore some more advanced ground.

Hope you like it




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