How everything started...

in Black And White3 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time,

In the fourth grade, I dragged with me the first analog I got and "bullied" the children around the school, photographing them (still have those shots), later I was buying phones whose cameras were upgraded and so I started with the first shots.

Twenty-something years later, on my 30th birthday, I bought myself a digital Nikon d7200, which I still use.

I had the first real application of photography and fire christening with the two of them.

Remake team, supporters of sustainable fashion whose model they transferred to home utensils. Although one of them is a stylist by profession, and the other a painter, Jovana and Antea baked their first product in the home oven, playing with brushes and old porcelain.

About ten years later, I was part of their team myself.

So, spending so much time surrounded by beauty, creativity and something unique wakes you up.

  • huge advantage if those people are the one who likes to exchange themselves.


Details, details everything is in the details, latest plate collection inspired by Matisse.


My first products photography was on their Instagram page, and later on the official site itself, also I wrote my first blog for them.

And I liked that, almost a year after the end of our intensive cooperation, I got here on Hive, continuing blogging and photographing.

I contacted them recently, having the idea to photograph them for this post, and guess what?
At the same time, we needed each other, considering that they were building their portfolio on one artisan platform, so they needed the same concept of photography I already had on my mind.


I would add nothing but that I am infinitely grateful for every kind of support they have given me.

I also went behind the scenes, realizing that a 1-minute commercial was being filmed for 16 hours.
That everything is allowed in art.
That you should strive for what makes you happy.
That second-hand shop is an awesome thing.



Thank you @monochromes, this is my entry for the #monomad challenge, and thank you all for your time and interest in what I do 🙌


Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 3 years ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Yay! 🤗
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