
in Black And White3 years ago (edited)

Here are some double exposures that I did with images from a book + self-portrait and with one of my paintings + self.portrait hanging on the wall. Only by experimenting can these things be accomplished.

This is my entry for #monomad by @monochromes




Long and double exposure Self-portraits
Digital photography

Bárbara Bezina 💜

canva / twitter / blog / makersplace / Hen / nftshowroom


Cool misty photos :) ... I like black and white :)

Thank you! :))) Yes, black and white has a special magic!

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really cool photograph.there's an abstract thing in your photograph.
don't know why i always like the black and white picture.

Thank you! 💕✨
Black and white is very beautiful for almost everyone :))

 3 years ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Thank you! 🤗💕