Architectural photography_part A

in Black And White2 months ago (edited)

1-Arquitectura_Paulo Abrantes-8.jpg

“A visual report in architecture primarily has the role of documenting the finished work, however, it has the potential to go further, to be able to convey the essence of a project through photography and communicate that same vision to a wider audience.” Filipa Bernardo

2-Arquitectura_Paulo Abrantes-7.jpg

3-Arquitectura_Paulo Abrantes-4.jpg

4-Arquitectura_Paulo Abrantes-2.jpg

5-Arquitectura_Paulo Abrantes-3.jpg

6-Arquitectura_Paulo Abrantes-5.jpg

Architectural photography is the subgenre of the discipline of photography where the main emphasis is placed on capturing photographs of buildings and similar architectural structures that are aesthetically pleasing and accurate in terms of representations of their subjects.(In Wikipedia).

7-Arquitectura_Paulo Abrantes-6.jpg

“ME, MYSELF & HIVE”, my introduction!

 2 months ago  

Hello @cryptoreforma.
Please make sure to source all the text that it's not yours on every post, otherwise you might be reported for plagiarism by someone.
Also, it would be nice if you could add at least a couple of paragraphs of your own. That will add a lot more value to your publications, and I am sure you can describe your images a lot better than any text cropped from the internet 🙂


The first paragraph is a reference to its author.

Secondly, it is the pedagogical description of this photographic genre.

I didn't think it was necessary to use more paragraphs to describe the images, they speak for themselves.

I don't understand where the plagiarism is.


 2 months ago  

Did you write that second paragraph?

Yes, with help from wikipedia.

 2 months ago (edited) 

No, you didn't write it.
You simply copy pasted it from wikipedia and didn't give any source. That can be, and it is, considered plagiarism.

EDIT: And hey, I am not trying to pick on you or being a pain in the butt, just pointing you out on the right directions. Others might not have such a didactic approach.

Thank you for your teaching suggestion.
Here it works like this, these are your rules!

However, let me justify myself: Wikipedia is free of rights, it is free and depends on everyone's collaboration. Anyone can contribute to Wikipedia. It is a democratic contribution. It's very different from stealing a phrase from a book or other artistic medium.

It's not quite a complete copy. It is a definition of something, as synthetic as possible, and not the theft of any idea or artistic meaning.

If they consider it plagiarism, I just have to respect it. And since I failed, I can only apologize.

I've been here for just over 2 weeks, it's normal to make mistakes.
In any case, if they consider banning me from the community, I just have to respect it.

 2 months ago  

These are not my rules.
I've been here since 2017 and saw it all already, every type of behaviour, every type of excuses, every type of rhetoric. Countless times. Too many times.
I didn't say this wasn't a mistake or that you had any type of ill intention behind it. As I wrote above, I am trying to point you out on the right direction without you getting in trouble. Otherwise I would have quietly reported you myself.
Thank you for editing the post and adding the source on that second paragraph.

really like the last photo bro!

Thanks a lot 🙏