Monomad Challenge: Playing on the Beach with Friends


Hey everyone, how are you today, I'm back with some black and white visuals you might like, and here's my entry for the #Monomad challenge. This time I'm back with some visuals that I made when I went to a beach in the city where I live, this beach is a location where many activities are carried out by coastal residents, one of which is fishing and pulling seine nets to get fish from the sea, this is a harbor area one of the oil ships in my City. This time I focused on the children who were bathing on the beach, they were walking on the harbor bridge to jump into the water, and with joy, they jumped into the water one by one, you can see for yourself, they asked me to take a photo of them being acting in the ocean at that time. This was a fun childhood, they enjoyed a wonderful time, playing on the beach. Well my friends, I hope you like the content I share this time and have fun.












You are happy with my current work, and I will be happy if you like this latest work. Have a good time!!!

Thanks For Visiting My Blog

Best Regards



What at fun photos, look at the joy in their faces!

it reminded me my child hood, young, wild and free!

Wow, I thought the same thing when photographing them. What a happy childhood.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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