Monomad: Aerial photography and lost motivation with Hive

in Black And White14 days ago


I recently had my drone sent from England to Armenia and I'm realising how much I absolutely love this thing. The ability to capture the world from above is such a beautiful experience. The ways in which landscapes shift and form into the horizon, and the light that extends shadows across it, it's always something to heavily appreciate. The truth is, I never get bored with this thing. It's always great fun. The amount of videos of photographs I've taken in the past few days has been huge, especially on the video side of things. Flying around new locations and exploring if the weather permits is something I could do every day, all day, and that's sort of what I have been doing, to the point of barely even eating. Though, I have sort of lost interest and motivation to post on Hive, of which it feels like it's in a bit of a weird place at the moment. Trying to even form together a bit of a post seems like a challenge right now, but I'll try to give a bit of context on the images at least.

These were shot near Mount Ararat, a location that Armenians deeply cherish, though it doesn't technically belong to Armenia anymore. Given away weirdly by Stalin to the Turks, it remains a symbol of Armenian culture, with its image and name plastered upon everything imaginable. As far as Armenia is concerned, these two mountains still belong to them. Though you can't really visit them, there's a border and zone before it that holds the rule that nobody may live by it. Some lights appear on the mountain at night which imply something is taking place on the mountain itself, oddly.


The air was perfect for the drone though! Not a single breeze. A total stillness that allowed for long flights without quickly exhausted batteries or stopping me from getting some height. I gained a bit more courage today and pulled the drone up to a height of 206 metres! That's over 50 more than my previous top altitude. It was incredible getting those views of everything below. To watch everything really become small. I stopped the drone at that point and did a little bit of a rotation, photographing the surroundings from different angles. I expected the air up there to have more wind, and to give me a warning or two, but there was nothing. Good spirits continued as a result, despite the constant bites from mosquitos! Those things were insanely annoying, given there were fish farms around, tall grass and bodies of water. I had to use the drone at some point to just hover over my head and remove a lot of them. Sometimes even having to fly through them in their masses to get rid of them. Thus, I still came back with a plethora of mosquito bites.

That side of it all wasn't the fun part. That's for sure! But landscape here really inspired me, especially with the drone. I felt the potential here again, that interest to explore more and see what else I could do with the gear I have with me now. Such fun!


I carried the drone around with me while my camera remained inside. A large battery to charge the batteries once they were used to ensure I could remain on the go and not have to stop. Though the slow charging times inevitably led to that happening. But the flights were such a fun experience. And I managed to fly until the sun began to set and it wasn't all that interesting to fly under such poor lighting conditions. Watching as the peaks of mountains went from white, pink, and then fell into darkness. As the few lights around began to turn on, the sights of moths and mosquitos bashing into said lights was all that remained. I think this was the most nature I had found myself in since I arrived here in Armenia, and it's something I felt I had been craving as of late, though again not the becoming some insect's dinner part. I have been a bit tired of the dryness of the area I'm in. The dust and the lack of green.


With the drone being back in my hands and back in the air again, I'm having a tun of fun being creative, also looking into creating awesome videos and maybe making some short films like I used to. Particularly interested in the ways I can shoot unique environments and then make a bit of extra money on the side in the event I can sell on some of these unique shots. Who knew that was even an option? I definitely didn't despite having the drone for several years. A recent realisation I had. Probably going to be putting more focus into that than I will Hive for a while. The motivation on that end is constantly increasing. Getting out, exploring, and creating!


Beautiful shot

Very cool shots! It's a totally different look on the world and therefore it makes them stand out.

I hear you in terms of the dry area, even though I'm in Spain, I long for the greener areas every day and hoping we can drive there during the weekends.. it lightens up all our moods and I get instantly bummed as soon as we drive back into "mar de plástico" and see drought and greenhouses mostly ...

On the other hand, It does make me see the little things even brighter so there's that :)

Have fun with the drone adventures 😉

Probably going to be putting more focus into that than I will Hive for a while. The motivation on that end is constantly increasing. Getting out, exploring, and creating!

Makes sense. Enjoy!

And let's see if you manage to leave Hotel California ;<)