Monomad - Wooden products

in Black And White2 months ago

Hello and welcome back to all Hive photo fans. For today's black and white theme, I chose "wooden products" with ornamental and practical purposes. Wood is a magical material in many aspects. First, let's check how it grows and gets its structure, shall we?


Wood growth starts with a seed germinating into a sapling, establishing roots for nutrient absorption and shoots for photosynthesis. Vascular tissues facilitate nutrient transport. Wood matures through cell division in the cambium, forming annual rings reflecting growth patterns. These rings vary in composition due to seasonal changes, resulting in distinct patterns seen in tree cross-sections. There are many different types of wood.


Differences in wood primarily stem from variations in tree species, growth conditions, and wood anatomy. Different tree species have distinct wood characteristics, such as color, density, and grain pattern. Growth conditions, including climate, soil quality, and elevation, can affect wood properties like strength and durability. Additionally, variations in wood anatomy, such as ring patterns and cell structure, contribute to differences in appearance and performance. These factors collectively result in a wide range of wood types with unique qualities suitable for various applications, from construction to furniture making.


Wood doesn't grow fast, tho. generally, fast-growing species planted in optimal conditions may reach a diameter of one centimeter per year.


Wood's strength-to-weight ratio is unparalleled, making it an excellent choice for structural applications in construction, engineering, and design. Whether it's supporting the weight of a building or adding intricate details to a piece of furniture, wood's versatility knows no bounds.


Many types of wood are naturally resistant to decay, insects, and weathering, making them ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications. Wood's workability is another standout feature, allowing artisans and craftsmen to shape, carve, and mold it into virtually any form imaginable. From intricate carvings to seamless joinery, wood rewards skillful hands with endless creative possibilities.

Given these points, there is one best property of wood - sustainability. Unlike synthetic materials that linger in landfills for centuries, wood is biodegradable, meaning it can decompose naturally at the end of its lifecycle. This reduces its environmental impact and makes it a sustainable choice for eco-conscious consumers and builders alike.


Well that's it for today's topic. Thank you very much for your attention and support. Without you, my camera would rest in the corner. See you next time with another theme.
Stay blessed



This one is really cool!! it looks like something i would love to have in my house too haha

Yeah I like it too. It is nice decoration

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Excellent complement to these photographic compositions with good contrast and texture.

I am glad you like it. Thank you for stopping by