Hello, my dear family. For the past months, I have been active and have seen various communities. Everyone has a way of telling their stories in the communities that represent them. I, @abdul01 come to introduce to the hive blockchain and the world, Hive Students Hub.

Purpose of Community

As each community has its niche, our niche is being a connection hub for students internationally. Students worldwide wish to share their daily class activities, what they learned in school and all other stuff done on campus. It can be anything but should be related to students or campus life. We have a community that represents workers where they share their work life and stuff relating to that. This community will also represent the students on the hive and the blockchain at large.

The blockchain is for everyone and students should have a voice to speak. Not that students don’t have a voice here, but there should be a place students can share their daily campus diaries, class experience, lecture wahala’s (troubles), and other stuff related to campus. This will be a home for students to pour out all about school.

The vision of Hive Student Hub

Our vision is to build the first blockchain with students with their voices. Web3 should be adopted by everyone. Students for that matter should take their stand and we are here to help define their role in making the impact of hive known to schools.

For this vision, we will be having activities to help us with. Activities such as campus promo; creating awareness on campus are something that will be organized. Students from various universities in the world will go on a promo on a specific organized day for us to create awareness as a whole, donation in schools; materials such as Hive branded books and pens will be given to support students and at the same time contain information about the hive, our hive branded T-Shirts could be given out to add up to the spreading of the name and other student-related activities that will help bring out the name of the hive. We will start from the little and see how well we will grow.

In skill and education to students, from our board, courses will be introduced to be taken by tutors who will apply and assess to see if they can help the course. For this part of Hive Students Hub, the tutor will have to apply to tell us and the hive community why they should be given the opportunity, how depth in the knowledge they are in that course, and how they will access the students taking up these courses. This will help equip students as they share their stories with us here in the ecosystem.

What you can post

Campus diaries:
These will be a post that students can share to talk about how their day on campus was. It can entail how the day started to how lectures ended. In addition, you can add any new activity to it. its tag will be #hivecampusdiaries

Information about universities or schools:

Since there is a school like a campus for students, we can share our views on universities and anything relating to them. This could be a way for students in high school to choose a university to go to after graduation. It will go with the tag #universities

Campus experience:
So there was this time I wanted to cook rice using a rice cooker. You know what? I ended up cooking rice water. This is the experience we can share too. Tell us about these moments you can’t seem to forget. Its tag will be #hivecampusexperience

Campus Promo & Engagement:

Activities that will promote hives on campus are welcome here. Posts about them, preparations and planning of things programs can be shared here. More to the point, this community will help students promote what they have in their way through student-organized hive promos. We are in for this. It will go with the tag #campromo

Campus counseling:
In our university campus system, we have a guidance and counseling unit for words of advice. So in our blockchain, we will be in posts like this to help students solve their student mental issues. In a world where someone has a problem with a course and needs words of encouragement to continue, he or she can share it here and parents and counselors will help us with those. Again, known counselors can register with us to give us student counseling or counsel us on what she thinks hinders the mental health of students. Its tag will be #hivecampusconsuelling

For the educational content, will come later after we call for the application of tutors to the program


1.No plagiarism:
For the reputation of writing, we protect the work of everyone. We should all ensure we share our original work to protect it on the blockchain for you.

  1. Number of words:
    The minimum number of words that should be shared should be 300 words. Words should tell the tales very well. Not to use the number of words as a reason to write things that don’t make sense. The words should just be a way to prevent us from writing short posts.
  2. Language: English is what the community highly accepts. But for those who write in other languages, English should be added.
  3. All posts should be student or campus-related. Nothing related to work, football, or anything should be here except that thing has been shared about how it happened on campus or as a student on campus.
  4. Images/ videos should be copyright free. Otherwise, those images should be sourced using [source] (Link to Image). But the own picture is highly recommended.


We welcome everyone in this hive ecosystem to join us as we journey to greatness as students. This is our home to share and make the blockchain great. Join, and help us change lives through education on the hive blockchain. As said by Catherine Pulsifer “Don't be someone who ends up with regrets because you didn't follow your dreams. Take that chance, take that risk it will be a memory that will be with you for your life.” We dream of making hive great through students and taking the chance and hope we sail through together as a family. Hive Student Hub, changing the narrative of hive with education.

For the support, we call on the humble members of this ecosystem to support us let make hive great through education. @theycallmedan, @taskmaster4450, @appreciator, @acidyo, @neoxian, @arcange, @curangel, and others, help me launch hive Student Hub.

Hive Students Hub, changing the narrative of hive with education.


Just the community I was looking for. For my last two posts I really couldn’t find the exact community that resonated with the content.
Even though there’s Daily blog to post about everything about your day, my posts needed a more niche community like this one right here!

I’m currently in school so most of my contents are campus-based or student-related content. I always find it hard getting the exact community to post in as I want the community members, or the readers for that matter, to relate and resonate with me.

It has really been a challenge for me. This community was really needed.
Thanks for taking this step to helping us students find our people.

And the best part of it is that it’s open to students from across the globe. I would really love to make friends with students from afar and learn about how their student-life is.
I’m particularly excited to meet and read about different life experiences of my colleague students from across the globe.

I have personally found my community. ❤️

Miss @erikah please kindly check out this community. I believe you’ll find it interesting.

Yh. I am because we are. Let’s Hive on🚀

Let’s Hive on 🧨🚀

Thank you very much. We are here to help students add value to the blockchain. Let them show us how beautiful their schools can help in promoting the good name of hive.

I believe students have the potential of bringing a catastrophic and exponential growth to the hive platform.
Imagine one influential student joining and mentioning it somewhere on campus!

In a matter of days hive is going to record high numbers of onboarding and I know how energetic we students are especially on a platform like this.

Though some may get worn out quickly and leave, I assure you the majority of them are going to see the great potential of hive and stick around and ultimately build hive to go farther together with the rest of us here.

I’m excited for this community sha!

Thanks for bringing this community to my attention. It's good to know in case I came across posts that fit in this community.

Yes we need more students on this community!

I can tag @nhaji01, I know she's a student, maybe she's interested. @tymestwo13 and @iamboring too. Please check this community out, you may like it.

Yes and @yahuzah and @rubilu and @gunu1 and @jimah1k and @tiyumtaba, we are all on the same campus

Oh yh I joined a few hours ago

Can’t wait to start Posting in the community. Is really a nice community

Thanks for the tag. I think I’d love this community.

My pleasure. If you know students on Hive, don't hesitate :)


Okay thanks so much for the invitation

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I applaud you bro on this big step you have taken to help students and also help hive platform at large. We will do our possible best to support and make this a reality. Thank you.

Thank you and we will be looking forward to seeing your posts in the community😊

Hive on!

Way to go!

All students on chain should gather here!

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Congrats on materializing this bro. I hope you’re able to do this and do it well. Achieve all your hopes for the community and help the students fulfill the aims of this community. Kudos to you.🤩

Thank you for publishing this community! I won't be having a difficulty to post my school stuffs (since that's the only thing I'm dealing with, lol) again. Looking forward to share more contents about my boring school life lols😂

Our pleasure😂

Wow, this is impressive. I'll do well to dash in here once in a while.

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Omg! I dont know how can I explain my happiness when I saw this community. This is what Im looking for that is perfect for me especially when Im posting about my school experiences. Im sure I will gonna love this. ❤️❤️❤️

Great, We are glad to welcome you into it. Hive on!

This community is really perfect for all students who joined here in hive. Thank you for launching this community. I hope this will grow!

Surely, we will do our part with your support to make it grow

Great Idea
Thanks a lot..... Let's watch the community grow as I also will be contributing here the much I can as a student

Great initiative. I will be happy to help out anyway I can

Very interesting community.looking forward to the future projects of this community..

Nice one! This should be good in so many ways for students, from a learning experience to a way to start saving some coin for their future projects 🙌

Brilliant. I must appreciate your efforts.

Lovely idea , who is behind this idea

I am 😊

Good luck , a community is a lot of work, a lot of comments so try to get some more power

Thanks for the advice. I will do my best In sha Allah