Time as Student Prompt - Student Leadership Experience

Be a leader

Good day everyone. It’s another week to write and dream. Sharing they say is caring. You never know who is trading and you never know who is taking a lesson from your story. That’s why we bring this to you always to share to impact and improve us. Let’s get to this week and see what we have ahead of us.

Leaders aren’t made. There isn’t a class too for us to go and learn it. We have people finding their way to the top of leadership. They present themselves well and talk to make us happy. They didn’t learn that from class and neither were they born with it. That’s why they say leaders aren’t born but made. Now can we ask ourselves how they come to know it so well? This is it. They started by going for positions in the school. From being a class prefect to any other position in the school. They take these tiles to better themselves as they inspire them to be great leaders tomorrow. A mistake here will correct in the next position to hold. That’s what brings up this week’s prompt.

Have you ever been a school leader? How did you start? Was it as easy as you thought? Leaders sacrifice a lot and many followers don’t see that. Many think leaders take advantage of their followers. What can you say about this when you were a school leader? The sacrifices and everything. When I was in high school, there were times the school leaders in my class will be out on duty and we would be in class studying. It wasn’t that easy I could feel from seeing. To the leaders, give us everything to appreciate student leadership. Have you ever gone for one and didn’t win? How was the feeling? Let us know and we will appreciate it more.

  • No plagiarism. We want to see creativity and blend in with you with that incident. Create your work and let’s see how creative you are.

  • Number of words should be 300 words minimum. It should contain meaning though.

  • Images used should be your images or when not yours should be sourced.

  • This post should be made in the students’ hub community and #prompt-studentleader, and #students should be used as the first two tags of your posts.

We have an interesting week to go. Let’s have to have the best of it. Tell us and we would be grateful. A good post with engagement might receive curation. Let’s give our best to make our readers smile. Thanks to @theycallmmedan and others for the support given to us. Let’s own our thoughts by writing them out.


Thank you for this opportunity to share our thoughts.

This is an amazing community for all the student leaders. Thank you.