
in THE 2020s14 days ago (edited)

384/ I prefer only promoting public people and not anonymous people; but admins are still free to promote and demote whoever whenever. For example, I would make 2 absurd statements, people with working brains could conclude that one of the statements is false, assuming they know the other statement is false; that is if they didn't know both statements were false; the art and science of logic is simply like that. My theory is some who joined my Oatmeal Discord Server either joined to cause chaos or came with popcorn thinking this server would be like a TIkTok live chat; because this server is not always alive with activities, people end up leaving disappointed as they thought this server would be like my TikTok videos with constant chaos. Is this Elon-Gated account on Discord a troll pretending to be on my side, is he trolling the trolls, why is he saying the screenshots are fake when some of them might be real; unless if Elon is playing Fish, I feel like Elon is either pretending to be on my side or is just having fun; I am not sure if people like this Elon should be promoted to admin or not; but people are free to make Elon an admin; but please take all my words to heart that Elon could be playing Fish or could be trying to play me; or could be just typing random words on the Internet for no reason really except to have fun and stuff.

If Oatmeal said for example, statement 1: Oatmeal lives in the sun, and, statement 2: Oatmeal is a trillion years old; if you know one of those statements is absurd, inaccurate, false, impossible, a lie, not true; then you could assume the other statement is also deceptive; I would sometimes say a bunch of things that were obviously not true and trolls would screenshot what I said as evidence that I really did those things.

Songs: about my life, one song per year, 2006-2010. Watched: Franklin 108, Scott Adams



Screenshot at 2024-05-19 23-31-12.png

Noisee AI

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-05-19 - Sunday | Published in May of 2024


Oatmeal Discord Server
Share your content, advertise, party, etc in my Discord chat room group
Invite Link: https://Discord.gg/K5cnrCThvA

Discord Screenshot at 2024-04-30 23-53-18 Discord.png

2024-05-17 - Friday - 08:30 PM
2006, Oatmeal turned 21, Zanga; MySpace, considered Moody, Snow Camp; Dexter; Fearless; Underworld: Evolution; First John: Marshall Wicks; V for Vendetta, Ice Age 2; Mission Reality: Quebec, Canada; Mission: Impossible III, Da Vinci Code, Spider-Man 3; Ranch; Oatmeal graduated from the second year of his first college at woah-bee in New York; S-W-P; then Oatmeal went to A-B-C in West Virginia; had a crush on Bethany, my roomie Josh Williams' sister; X-Men 3, Departed, Man of the Year, One Night with the King, Prestige, L-4-O-J, YouTube, Sawyer Frye, what ya living for, Rick in New York City, Baptist Mid Missions, Red Dog, Thanksgiving South Carolina Jasper, Matrix, Rick Golden House; Pirates 2, The Pursuit of Happyness, Night at the Museum, The Nativity Story, Charlotte's Webb, Happy Feet, Casino Royale, Night at the Museum, The Prestige, Man of the Year, Open Season, Pan's Labyrinth, Little Miss Sunshine, Cars, X-Men, Over The Hedge, and if you're over the edge too, let's go over the edge and hedge together in the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server
Harp, Trance

2024-05-19 - Sunday - 10:48 PM
2006, Oatmeal turned 21, V.1, Xanga, MySpace, Freewebs, Quebec, ABC, SC, L4OJ, Matrix, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-17 - Friday - 09:00 PM
2007, Oatmeal turned 22, MySpace, Facebook, Free Webs, was failing classes at A-B-C, worried about future, education, work, money, plans; Oatmeal was knocked over by his emotions which he thought he had a handle over, Oatmeal had a crush on Jen Moore, almost broke a finger; Oatmeal lost his financial aid, Flushed Away, Jim Carrey, 23, turtles cartoon movie, Matt Manehan gave Oatmeal his laptop; does that make me crazy, Barkley; return to Oregon, Free Geek Computers; Kenni got Oatmeal a job, Mike Kurtz hired Oatmeal to work at Salvation Army's Camp Kuratli in the Wilderness Program with Fiona & Monster; crush on Megan McQuade; W-Y-I; crush on another Megan, sister of Lincoln Hawk who got Rob Noland to let Oatmeal go on Revolution Hawaii; they volunteered to reach out to the youth and people on the streets; Michael Collins; Harry Potter, Superbad, Ghost Rider, Evan Almighty; Rob Bell, Beowulf, Big Island, Bell Ringing; Get Your Joy On, Jeff Walters, Enchanted Christmas, Golden Compass, I Am Legend, National Treasure; Charlie Wilson's War. Sweeney Todd; and if you want meat pie, come on over
Robot, Circuit, Circus, Fast Tempo, Silly

2024-05-19 - Sunday - 10:53 PM
2007, Oatmeal turned 22, V.2, ABC, Jen, Failed, Free Geeks, Kuratli, WYI, Mom, Hawk, Revolution Hawaii, GYJO, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-17 - Friday - 09:00 PM
2008, Oatmeal turned 23, Rambo; Boot Camp, foreign woman; phone calls, and yet Oatmeal blew it with Not-Ugly Natalie Portman Jen-Net Whitaker; Narnia, Indiana Jones, Nintendo Game Cube Paper Mario; butterfly effect, ice-cream, bikes, blew it with Amber at Kuratli, Kung Fu Panda, Hulk, Wanted, WALL-E, Hancock, Dark Knight, X-Files, Benjamin Button, W-Y-I, Seattle, woof died; Rose Grove; Tropic Thunder, Star Wars: The Clone Wars; T-V-C, H-C-B-C, Vanderzanden; job interviews; Oatmeal wanted to move to California, ended up moving into Kenni's studio at Alder 4-1-4, worked at Kells & Grout; Dick died; Oatmeal walked his mom down the aisle to marry Bill, not your Bill, not my Bill, but her Bill; A-Gap-Pay, Church of Christ, Sunshine; brother came over, Christmas, snow, driving; Star Trek Next Generation, V-C-R, Tyra Banks; and Oatmeal watched even the goddamn View; and if you have views too, you can share them with everybody in the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server
Party Horn, Trap, Egyptian, Upbeat

2024-05-19 - Sunday - 11:03 PM
2008, Oatmeal turned 23, V.1, Revolution Hawaii, Whitaker, Kuratli, Amber, PDX, Alder, Kells, Grout, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-17 - Friday - 09:50 PM
2009, Oatmeal turned 24, Taken, Coraline, Matt Smith who borrowed money but never paid back; Oatmeal got fired from Kells & Grout, ended up taking a different route; a-gop-pay, pizza day; copied tapes to discs, Arnold Attic; Grey Hound, Cali, Lincoln Hawk, Spaceman, Lady in Red, Baby Sitter, The Last House on the Left, Twilight; Quest Hike, waterfall, Mount Hood, Nicholas Littlejohn, Ram Reflection, J-S-A Dog Dog, Pog Dog, Fat Princess, laptop stolen; P-C-C college; Green Oatmeal on Wanted Adventure Host; Oatmeal asked iJustine if she liked Oatmeal; Oatmeal made silly videos with Blake Webb at Moore Street; bell ringing; Oatmeal helped with the youth ministry; Ojawall; Oatmeal had adventures, took some jabs in the dark; Oatmeal ran around and almost came apart; and if you're taking jabs in the dark as well, then come let's take jabs together in the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server
passionate salsa, horns, fast

2024-05-19 - Sunday - 11:08 PM
2009, Oatmeal turned 24, V.2, Arnold Attic 44 Tapes, Lincoln Hawk, Animals Dying, Wanted, iJustine, Suno & Noisee AI

2024-05-17 - Friday - 09:50 PM
2010, Oatmeal turned 25, Conan, Jay Leno, David Letterman, Solid Rock, Shutter Island, We Are The World 25 For Haiti, garage sale, Lloyd Center, 2010, Oatmeal turned 25, Conan, Jay Leno, David Letterman, Solid Rock, Shutter Island, We Are The World 25 For Haiti, garage sale, Lloyd Center, Blake Webb died, Oatmeal became a soldier; Shepherd Campbell, Wii Mario, Robin Hood, Oatmeal fell in love with Farmer Hanna at Redwood Glenn; fired; Charlotte Battle; Oatmeal fell in love with Sharon Clayton who he met at W-Y-I; Nick Becker; Matt Kurtz; Facebook censorship; Oatmeal took classes at Mount Hood Community College; Walking Dead; Ra Ra, Ram Reflection, Ironic Mystic, Painting Propaganda, Gambling Forks; Oatmeal was a Bell Ringer at JC Penney in P-D-X, bike, Max green; did somebody write a love letter to Oatmeal; if you wanna write love letters, we can all write love letters to each other together forever, encouragement articles, E-A, in the goddamn Oatmeal Discord Server
Syntwave, Cyberpunk rhythms, guitar, banjo, upbeat, action, orchestral, drum

2024-05-19 - Sunday - 11:12 PM
2010, Oatmeal turned 25, V.2, Blake Webb, Moore Street, Redwood Glen, Hanna, WYI, Clayton, Walking Dead, Suno & Noisee AI


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-05-19 - Sunday - 02:01 PM - Discord Log

367/ 2013 Fake News, part 01: "On July 29, 2013, Arnold allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl in a village in the province of Thua Thien-Hue." 368/ I moved to Saigon in February of 2013, I got an apartment in May, I had another apartment around August, visited Cambodia in August, got another apartment in August, this time in District 12. 369/ I lived in Saigon from 2013 to 2017, during that time, I visited different places a few times. In June of 2013, I visited Dalat, then Cambodia in August. The bike theme is pretty funny, Kathy's sister helped me learn to ride a bike in 1991, then Kathy's dad helped save me when I got lost at a lake in 1993. 371/ Summer of 2013, I was still working for several different schools and groups like Tan Van, New Star, FYG; I was often seen by many in different coffee shops and more in Saigon; but the fake news claims I was in Hue which is only 885 km north of where I lived in Saigon; how could I be in two places at the same time? 2013 Fake News, part 2: "On July 30, 2013, Arnold allegedly had an inappropriate conversation with a 14-year-old girl in the village of Hieng Khoai in the province of Dong Thap." Fake news, part 1 said I was in Hue. Part 2 said I was suddenly back near Saigon the next day. Yet, it would likely take 2 days to travel back. 2013 Fake News, part 3: "On October 8th, 2014, Arnold allegedly touched a 13 year old girl named Anna Barbie in a Circle K." Circle K was the third lie. First two lies are random dates and locations. Not sure the origins of the first two lies. But the third lie is based on an event that actually happened at Circle K. Fish told at least two lies regarding Circle K, first Anna was not there, and second, I didn't touch anybody, and third, that is not why the cops came. 377/ I renamed some of my YouTube videos to say Anna Barbie stole my legos in 2016, that is 2 years later; I have a history of renaming my videos sometimes to click-bait because I am a master troller, I troll my trolls and my trolls are too dumb to realize I am a master troll; I even told Fish this many times and yet Fish continued spamming fake news. Fish said I freak out meaning Fish thinks I'm emotionally broken like Chris Chan who never grew up; Fish refuses to admit I'm an actor; I'm playing characters in my videos and possibly even when I'm messaging trolls, chatting, and everything; I'll play people to beat them; I'll troll my trolls and win. My address was posted on doxing websites and on Kiwi Farms and possibly places like 4Chan. 382/ Many people are ruined by fake news and doxing; not just me; that is why I make a big deal about it; because this is not about me; this is about helping people help people first by using the story of my life as an example, an illustration, a blueprint map, a starting point reference which people can apply to their own lives and other situations, people, places, different times, details, specifics. 03:04 PM: 384/ I prefer only promoting public people and not anonymous people; but admins are still free to promote and demote whoever whenever. 385/ Many times, especially in 2023, trolls scared away new people who would join this Discord Server. 386/ Spiral into Hell, weirdos beget more weirdos; normal people end up leaving; weirdos simply attract more weirdos to join this server; probably over 99.99999% of the probably over 3,000 people who joined this server were weirdos. 03:23 PM: Roy rarely ever messages in this server on Sundays, this was unexpected. Roy must of left a bagel in the microwave at work and decided to stop by the office to grab it, Roy was probably just passing by. Roy once posted a stand-up audio of me talking about Fish, Roy used Suno to create the audio bit. 387/ Feel free to assume Roy needs help with sharing his content; I'm not sure if I want to personally make that assumption; but it is theoretically possible Roy is simply incompetent in the marketing department, that Roy is unable to advertise his work; I dare not say Roy might be mentally challenged when it comes to plugging things, that would be like calling somebody a legless dog in boat ships with Bill Bus Warts. Roy needs a distributor, a publisher; I wanted to teach Roy how to do all of that himself; But Roy didn't do that. For example, I would make 2 absurd statements, people with working brains could conclude that one of the statements is false, assuming they know the other statement is false; that is if they didn't know both statements were false; the art and science of logic is simply like that. If Oatmeal said for example, statement 1: Oatmeal lives in the sun, and, statement 2: Oatmeal is a trillion years old; if you know one of those statements is absurd, inaccurate, false, impossible, a lie, not true; then you could assume the other statement is also deceptive; I would sometimes say a bunch of things that were obviously not true and trolls would screenshot what I said as evidence that I really did those things. 08:35 PM: 390/ My theory is some who joined my Oatmeal Discord Server either joined to cause chaos or came with popcorn thinking this server would be like a TIkTok live chat; because this server is not always alive with activities, people end up leaving disappointed as they thought this server would be like my TikTok videos with constant chaos. Elon said the screenshots are fake, is that a smart thing to say, is Elon trolling the trolls, I mean some of the screenshots might be fake, but some might be real, but it is not relevant whether the screenshots are fake or real. 08:48 PM: Is this Elon-Gated account on Discord a troll pretending to be on my side, is he trolling the trolls, why is he saying the screenshots are fake when some of them might be real; unless if Elon is playing Fish, I feel like Elon is either pretending to be on my side or is just having fun; I am not sure if people like this Elon should be promoted to admin or not; but people are free to make Elon an admin; but please take all my words to heart that Elon could be playing Fish or could be trying to play me; or could be just typing random words on the Internet for no reason really except to have fun and stuff.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Franklin 108

2024-05-19 - Sunday - 01:13 AM - 2024 Apple TV, Franklin 108

They negotiate peace, they sign, Ben asked her to marry him. But they did not marry. He died a few years later in 1790.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:52 AM
Scott Adams - Episode 2478 CWSA 05/18/24

Franklin 108

2024-05-19 - Sunday - 01:13 AM - 2024 Apple TV, Franklin 108

08:05 AM
Scott Adams - Coffee with Scott Adams 5/19/24

08:32 AM
FULL SPEECH: President Trump Delivers Remarks at NRA Meeting in Dallas, TX - 5/18/24

07:43 PM
SimpCast Tiffany Henyard, Elon Musk, Tim Pool WITH Chrissie Mayr, Lila Hart, Carmen Studer, Keanu



Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 07:40 AM. Breakfast, 08:00 AM. Sunday school, Matthew 14, John, walking on water. I felt tired, was struggling to keep my eyes, struggled to sleep last night, I drank a big mug of coffee with honey last night at 09:00 PM which contributed to keeping me up, got up almost every hour last night, went to bed around 02:15 AM, throat was collecting mucus, drank water to clear it. Church, Mark sermon on faith, he prayed Nicole's foot to recover. Mom left before the service as the praise would be loud, the guitar player, this happens every 4rd Sunday or random times. We went home, skipped board meeting which I don't attend. Lunch, 12:30 PM. Nap around 3 to 06:30 PM. Dishes, sorted onions, all of that for over an hour. Dinner, 07:44 PM. Dishes, trash out, weeding, coffee to RV, few minutes around 08:00 PM to 08:30 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, oatmeal, 08:00 AM. Lunch: tray of vegetables, potatoes, tuna sandwich, 12:30 PM. Dinner: cabbage like soup or something with rice, 07:44 PM.

2024-04 - Social Icons & Oatmeal Face Banner 3.png
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