Step by Step Process of Banner Creation "OLIO DI BALENA"

in Olio di Balena10 months ago (edited)

Hello friends, I hope you are very well. This is my first post in Olio Di Balena and I had it saved for a long time because I wanted to show you the process of how I made the community banner.

My name is Verónica López and I am a graphic designer, I have more than 10 years of experience and I am currently working with several brands worldwide. I am the official creator of the new Olio Di Balena logo and the official designer of Olio Di Balena. I am making this introduction because I am at your service with any requirement you may have in terms of creation/design.

Today I am going to show you the step by step of how I designed the banner and explain you through words and images everything I was creating and imagining from scratch.
The first thing I had in mind was the proportions of the banner to be made and that when it was uploaded to the different platforms, it would look good and each element would be in the right place, so that the logo and the elements would not interfere with the buttons on the page.

I started looking for a photograph that adapted to what I wanted to capture, that was wide enough to be able to play with the elements I needed to place and above all, that gave me the facility to modify it, so I could have a cleaner background when adding the rest. So this was the one I chose:

What I have to place first, is the image of the logo, which is actually called "Isotype" because it is the combination of image and text in the corporate image, so I thought of placing the whale as part of the banner, coming out of the water. On the other hand, I erased the clouds to have that top part clean, since I would have to place more elements and although I had planned to place some clouds, I had to do it manually to place them exactly where they fit.

To give it a more realistic effect, I found some waves to place in front of the whale to give movement to the banner, looking for a more attractive way to make the whale look good coming out of the sea.

Then I remembered that I had a tail and I tried to see how the tail would look like, leaving with the same effect of the waves in front of the tail to give again that effect of movement and I liked how the creation of the banner was coming out.

I already had the most important thing which was the whale, now came the rest of the elements and start playing with the placement of the name "Oleo Di Ballena". As you can see, I liked the idea of the whale's tail in front and behind the name and I subtly added a few seagulls to give it that sea vibe with the right elements.
And by the way, his two drops coming out of his back were not missing.

Do you remember that I told you that I was going to put clouds on it? Well, this was the moment where I had to place them and I looked for clouds in png, there are several websites that provide you with png images (png: without background) and you can use them in your design.

By @fedesox decision, he suggested me to add somewhere a boat and make it look good. At that point I think I collapsed a little hehe because I didn't have it in mind but I organized my ideas and managed to add a ship with the same graphic line that so far I was taking.

Now I felt that there was a void in front of the boat and I thought of adding an anchor falling into the sea, giving it the same effect of the water bursting. I looked for very similar elements so that everything would have an organized and organic similarity in the design.

What could not be missing was to relate the Hive platform with matching elements and what better way to add some bees?.
By the way, as general culture here speaking: do you know what the world would be like without bees?
In a few words, no living being would exist and therefore no by-product. They are one of the most important pollinators because, thanks to them, there is a balance in the world. So let's take care of the bees and the planet.

I hope you liked it and pr here is a gif I animated from the banner for you to enjoy:


Hello! I'm a Photographer, Designer and Animal Lover. I consider myself an independent and constantly growing person. My goal of writing in Hive, is to leave a record of much of my life, building day by day the ideal way to continue living as a digital nomad for travel the world.


Wow!!! Explained this way it sounds simple, but I think it is not. Thanks for the new logo!!! Beautiful!!!

 10 months ago  

Hi, thanks so much to you for commenting and I'm glad you liked it. A cyber hug hehe

You know I always say you’re a talented graphic designer, thanks again for the banner, it gives OdB a new style!! 🤩

 10 months ago  

Thanks to you for your trust, support and for choosing my work, that makes me happy! I'm very happy that you like the new OdB image 🐳🐝🌊💙

@tipu curate 2 ✌😁✌ bravissima.

 10 months ago  

Grazie mille per il vostro sostegno🤩


 10 months ago  

Grazie 🤗

Really nice, excellent job 👏

Thanks for your explanation. But What app do you suggest to desing?

Buon Natale 🙋‍♂ Fede @fedesox