[ESP/ENG]🩷🎀 Pink selfies 💕💖 one of my favorites color

in Liketulast month


Hoy antes de salir a hacer unas compras estaba probando nuevos filtros cuando encontré este de color rosita que es muy lindo, así que me apresuré para tomarme las fotos, me gustaron tanto las selfies porque son llenas de uno de mis colores favoritos que no pude aguantar para traerlas, el rosa es un color muy tierno, de niña lo amaba quizá por eso ahora me sigue gustando, siempre quise ser la power ranger rosa cuando de niños jugábamos a eso, o ser aurora de la bella durmiente cuando jugábamos a las princesas, era el color rosa muy amado mí cuando era niña y es algo que perdura hoy día.

Today before going out to do some shopping I was trying new filters when I found this pink one that is very cute, so I rushed to take the pictures, I liked the selfies so much because they are full of one of my favorite colors that I couldn't resist to bring them, pink is a very cute color, as a child I loved it maybe that's why I still like it now, I always wanted to be the pink power ranger when we played that as kids, or to be aurora from sleeping beauty when we played princesses, pink was the color I loved as a child and it's something that lasts today.

• Photos taken of a galaxy A54.
• Traductor/translator: DeepL.
• Collage Editor: Polish.

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