I started a new hobby

in Hive Gardening3 months ago

As you may have guessed based on which community I'm posting into today, it's gardening. xD

We figured it'd be fun to plant some seeds and see them grow with @hiddenblade so we went out and got ourselves the necessary equipment, soil, seeds, and some pots and containers. Hidden did most of the research, I was just hanging out there looking dumb most of the time and helped out a little.

The seeds

They didn't have that much of a selection but we took a little bit of everything since we're mostly just doing this for fun. One thing I am interested in eating if things go well, though, are bell peppers. From @dcrops to real life bell pepper farmer, here we go!


Also some Sweet Pepper!


@hiddenblade insisted on also getting some tomatoes, the grossest thing known to mankind. I was reluctant at first but I was plotting on turning it into sauce or ketchup or something so I went along with it. Look at those seeds, no wonder they look blue and weird.


Not all seeds were edibles, we also got some flower seeds.


The last 3 pics are taken by @hiddenblade, my fingers aren't that girly.

Here's all the stuff in one place.


Now it was time to fill the pots and containers with soil!



We started with the Sweet and Bell Pepper, 2 seeds per.



Then we filled it up

Close-up of the flower seeds

Then we dug them under the soil a bit and hid it away from birds so they wouldn't come and just dig for the seeds to eat. :p


Lastly, the sunflower seeds in their pots.


Now let's see what happens. :D

We're quite new to this so I'm sure we may have made some mistakes but then again how hard can this be even if you do it wrong, I'm sure there'll be some sprouting. @hiddenblade is waiting for that as well to take some macro photography so make sure to follow her if you haven't yet and want to follow along on this.

Thanks for reading!

(sending her some beneficiaries for some of the pics she provided :p)


Best of luck with your seeds.. looking forward to seeing them get bigger.

Ehehehehe, nice! A great way to stay at the open air ad enjoy nature.
Make sure to drop a glance at @gogreenbuddy posts as he posts great video-tutorials on DIT stuffs for the garden and more!

Thanks, yeah will do, I believe I follow him but noticed he unfollowed me the other day (although maybe meant to follow, not sure, lol) :D

Happy gardening!
We are starting our garden too and happy for the progress ,so excited for the harvest season 😄

Growing stuff is actually fun and rewarding, when you can eat it, at the end. And the Hive Gardening community is cool and has lots of good tips.

I'm with you, tomatoes are abominations of another order. At least raw. We grow lots of them every year, because... salsa. And marinara sauce for pasta.

Have fun!

It's good to see that you have a new hobby, it's a great activity to plant, it disconnects us a little from technology and gives us a lot of learning, besides it's nice to grow our own food while we can.

My mom has a piece of land where I was in charge for more than a year, and it was a very nice experience to grow vegetables and more.

I think it is an interesting exercise and experience. At one point, by doing these activities, we are more aware of the importance of generating our own food. We start as an experiment, but when you see those peppers and tomatoes being born, you will want to do it in quantities.

I liked the exercise.

Best regards.


Creo que es interesante el ejercicio y experiencia. En un punto, al realizar estas actividades, somos más consciente, de la importancia de generar, nuestro propio alimento. Arrancamos como un experimento, pero cuando veas naces, esos pimientos y también los tomates, querrás realizarlo en cantidades.
Me gusto, el ejercicio.

I recently started tropical gardening too. Growing a sapodilla tree from a seed since last December. Already 4 leaves :)

tomatoes, the grossest thing

:D Punish them by growing upside down (to save space or for fun).

Looks like fun!
I don't like tomatoes very much, but home grown tomatoes taste way better than anything I've gotten from a store - I've actually been known to eat some of them!
You should give the ones you grow a try!

Bro gardening is a great hobby to get into, so much satisfaction from seeing something you planted grow and produce. I'm not a big fan of tomato either but honestly I bet you will love the ones you grow, they always taste so much better, plus tomatoes are like the easiest thing in the world to grow. I've never tried bell peppers but I've tried some spicy peppers, they were a bit finnicky for me and never really came out well, but probably cause I was trying to grow them in Canada where it's too cold.

Easy if you can fight off the 700 diseases and infestations! But like I said in my comment - that's most of the fun, to me =D

Awesome man. I am hoping to get an outdoor garden started this year. It would be so fun to grow a bunch of peppers for salsas.

That is awesome. Looks like you really went all out with the tools and everything. Gardening is so relaxing, and it is nice to look at the progress of your plants. I hope you get a good harvest in the future.

I usually just wait until later in May to buy the plants already started and then I put them in my garden. I don't have the space or the time to start stuff from seeds, so I have a lot of respect for you. I usually kill most everything anyway. It was smart to get some flowers too so you can bring in the pollinators.

Home-grown tomatoes are completely different from storebought produce. You might even like them.

Yeah might wanna try one I guess. :D

Gardening is so therapeutic and fun and knowing what you eat is very important. Homegrown tomatoes have a totally different taste than what you can find in a supermarket. And it is also an awesome couple activity!

What's acidyo doing in hivegarden?? Lol

Those tomato seeds will sprout very fast and prolifically. Don't lose hope on the peppers. They can take weeks sometimes and can geminate real spotty but it helps if you have a moderate heat source for those! I'm currently trying to get around that by making a DIY heat mat.

Which among the five plants you've planted do you think will bear fruit first? It looks exciting to see. I bet the seeds will grow quickly, especially with proper care.

Dunno, I'm guessing the flowers but who knows. I think I read somewhere that the bell peppers may take up to two weeks :o

If you have a green thumb, those plants will surely thrive. But if you're unlucky in gardening, it might take a miracle for them to grow. Just kidding. But we'll never know unless we give it a try, right?

My least favorite part of this is waiting! 😂

Maybe we should look for some plant steroids.

My wife and I also bought seeds last week. We will plant them in our garden in the spring. Last year we planted something in the garden for the first time. It's nice to eat your own food without fertilizers or pesticides. And I enjoy watching them grow.

That's fantastic :-) Waiting time isn't the most fun thing to do but patience is one of the things that gardening teaches us.

I would guess the tomatoes would germinate first.😉

The pots and containers look good, you sound like you have something against tomatoes😁 The waiting part is mehhhh but time flies..

They are gross, lol. xD

Im looking forward to its growing process. ;). Its gonna be fun to watch it grow everyday.

Farming is nice hobby, I was farm to with hydroponic method. Greeting feom Indonesia and have nice farm

That sounds interesting!

Yap.. And the best moment when harvesing and we can give our Neighbor ☺

What a beautiful hobby this is.

Good luck developing your green thumbs, my sons is trying this at his school, but he wants to start growing catnip. Not sure if i should be impressed or worried as the catnip is for our cats :P

Learning to grow your own vegetables is very good, you learn new skills. No one knows if a zombie apocalypse will come in the future, if I were a flower, I would love to be a sunflower.

Looks like you and hiddenblade are fully prepared to bring the green in your place 😍 Hope those sunflowers grew fast, would love to see pictures of them blooming bright!

Well, I love plants so I’ll post all my plants too. Hehe. Wow, you’re doing it for fun Coz it’s really fun. Plants relieve steess.

The last 3 pics are taken by @hiddenblade, my fingers aren't that girly.

I thought it was your hand 🤣 because, in my mind, I assumed that hidden has a little bit of long nails... Thanks for clarifying that... Have fun with gardening...

hahah, yeah I stopped doing my nails for a while... it's hard to do stuff with long nails 😂

That is true and also long nails are hard to maintain... 😀

@hiddenblade insisted on also getting some tomatoes, the grossest thing known to mankind.

She knows what she's talking about, tomatoes are awesome to grow. Can just trash them after who cares lol - I'm so happy to see people get into this hobby!

I've done loads of crops over the years and here's my top 5 most exciting ones by rank you didn't ask for:

#1 - Sunflowers!! Holy cripes. If you get a big 10-footer like mine it's incredible just to watch 'em every day, and the wildlife it attracts is mental, especially over in the tropics.

#2 - Cherry Tomatoes. The fact they come in groups of 6-10, the perrennial ones just keep on giving and you'll just get overwhelmed with tomatoes which is cool. They're also constantly being attacked by every kind of pest and disease known to man which is where most the fun of the hobby is and you probably learn more about gardening through them than any other plant, battling against nature and constantly googling against imminent death XD

#3: Potatoes. Super hardy, hard to kill, and you can grow 'em in a pot. It's pretty sweet turning one potato into 12 just by waiting, then digging 'em out by hand.

#4: Long Beans. They're just another one of those super-providers. Every day you check there's another handful ready for picking and freezing, they're like the ultimate boom & bust crop.

#5: Peppers. They're tough to raise, take absolutely forever, so the pay off just feels so much more rewarding. Plus they're the best one on the list by far to actually make use of in the kitchen.

Get ready to enjoy spraying an infinite invasion of white flies =D hmu if google doesn't solve your woes, maybe I can help with my meagre experience

I used to hate tomatoes too until I found out it is so good if eaten with other stuff. I don't really eat tomatoes on its own and that's what they probably imagine we're doing haha. We also planted sunflowers, the tall ones (although I don't think 10ft?) and the small ones like 2 ft or so. I'm so excited to see them get really big as I'm planning to transfer the tall ones in the lawn. Hopefully it will stop the weeds from growing in a certain area but I don't really know hahaha.

Potatoes... do you need to have a deep and big pot for them? We have a small lawn but I don't want to plant anything edible there as that's where the dog does his number 1. XD

I was under dystopian lockdown when I harvested my potatoes - I just had a potato pot! It's like a two-layer pot, fairly big but not huge.


You can also get this kind of stand up sack too which I wanna try next time (because heaven forbid I ever have a garden). Needless to say, results may vary. Potatoes are super power hungry and prone to annoying, airborne diseases blown across from miles away, among everything else.

I had to amputate all the leaves off mine by the end due to that disease but I still got 6 decent potatoes out of it! One for every month of effort lol...

Nice to see you are writing about all topics not only realted to web3

Gardening is a great exercise for the mind, body and soul. And I can see you've had a lot of fun on it's first day itself.😊

If you don't mind, I will just give one piece of advice, about which I have also mentioned in my recent blog, that for germination, only one seed should be sown in each cup because, at the time of sprouting the seed and then becoming a small plant, the roots spread everywhere in the cup and take its shape. In such a situation, if you sow 2 seeds in a cup, then after their germination, when you will have to plant them in separate bigger pots, you will find the roots of both plants entangled with each other and then it will be very difficult to separate the plants without damaging their roots.

I tried to explain this point to you as simple and logically as possible. 🍀👍🏼

The seeds been well package favour the growth of the plant

That's such a lovely activity to have with your other half! My bf doesn't even know how much water to give to my flowers when I'm away and can't do it, lol

My daughter would agree with you on tomatoes. 🤣 Hubby wouldn't touch them for a long time, but now he'll eat them. Prefers the cherry ones, preferably straight from the vine. As you say, though, you can always turn them into sauce or do other cooking with them. Nearly everyone will eat them that way.

Careful, you might get addicted! Fabulous hobby..

The pepper actually really look so fresh and the way it is been packaged will make the pepper durable to be used for a long period of time

Not all seeds were edibles, we also got some flower seeds.

For a second I thought you were going to eat the seeds


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acidyo plantito.