Rainy afternoon in the downtown of Bogotá / Tarde lluviosa en el centro de Bogotá

in GEMS27 days ago


A common history unites us Venezuelans and Colombians, paths of encounters and disagreements in different eras have traced our relationship as brotherly countries, and this was palpable throughout my stay in Bogotá.


Upon arriving at the Bolívar Plaza, it is impossible not to look back on that history of that multinational project conceived in the 19th century by the Caraqueño Simón Bolívar. The statue of the Liberator stands in every corner to remind us of his enduring legacy.


Climbing through La Candelaria, right in the center of the city, I was able to appreciate the imprint of the Viceroyalty and all that its power meant in these lands during colonial times.


Some of that splendor can still be felt in its streets and in its imposing and well-preserved architecture, the material legacy of those years.


That Bogotá appears more ceremonial and imbues a certain melancholy in the atmosphere.


It is as if the weight of history gravitates in that Andean sadness, the inheritance of the harsh years of the conquest, bestowing it with an aura of nostalgia and solemnity.


Large well-preserved colonial houses rise on every corner, reminding us of that past of a vibrant and opulent city, when this city was the throbbing heart of the old New Granada.


A gentle rain accompanied us along the way, giving a sheen of moisture to the pavement on a typical cloudy and rainy day.



Bogotá lluviosa


Una historia común nos une a los venezolanos y colombianos, senderos de encuentros y desencuentros en diferentes épocas han trazado nuestra relación de países hermanos, y eso se hizo palpable durante toda mi estadía en Bogotá.



Al arribar a la plaza de Bolívar, es inevitable no remontarse a esa historia de aquel proyecto multinacional gestado en el siglo XIX por el caraqueño Simón Bolívar. La estatua del Libertador se alza en cada rincón para recordarnos legado imperecedero.


Subiendo por La Candelaria, en pleno centro de la ciudad, pude apreciar la impronta del virreinato y todo lo que significó su poder en estas tierras en tiempos de la colonia.


Algo de ese esplendor aún se puede respirar en sus calles y en su arquitectura imponente y bien conservada, legado material de aquellos años.


Esa Bogotá se muestra más protocolaria e impregna un aire de cierta melancolía en el ambiente.


Es como si el peso de la historia gravitara en esa tristeza andina, herencia de los duros años de la conquista, otorgándole un aura de nostalgia y solemnidad.


Grandes casas coloniales muy bien preservadas, se levantan en cada esquina, recordándonos aquel pasado de una urbe vibrante y opulenta, cuando esta ciudad era el corazón palpitante de la antigua Nueva Granada.


Una suave lluvia nos acompañó durante el camino, dando un brillo de humedad en el pavimento de un día tipico nublado y lluvioso.



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Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Surprisingly, I was reading a book " shadows under the pomegranate tree" which is about reconquesta and it is actually historic fiction book which narrate about Granada.
And here in your blog I am also reading about the same !
Well, just couple of days back I went to historic city, Peshawar to see architecture of colonial time period..soon I will post !

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