Recording Bunny and getting my first Influencer Package

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Received my very first influencer endorsement today.

In my career I have been sponsored many times, for my hair, for my nails, for clothing but this is the first influencer package so it's quite exciting.

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radio host and singer Bunny Majaja

Also recorded Bunny on one of my songs. It's sounding amazing and can't wait to share it with you.

My influencer package contained skin care.

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Also got my nails done (a treat as well)
WhatsApp Image 20201104 at 22.04.59.jpeg

Love the colour. What do you think?

Much love
Eden 😘

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congrats! :)

Thank you - it was a pretty cool feeling.

Congrats on getting this opportunity. Have you got a link to the radio show? 👍