The Mandalorian Season 2

in GEMS4 years ago


It felt like a long wait but its finally here so if you enjoyed the first season of the Mandalorian then you don't want to miss it.

So far only the first episode has been released and it did not disappoint. It starts off similar to the first and gives you the feelers of an old western movie.

Without giving too many spoilers here, I will say that it was a well made episode and quite clean in its execution. I'm particularly excited for the future ones to know how they build on the characters.

I hope to see a few faces from the previous season as well along with some new ones in Season 2.

If you are looking for fight sequences, explosions, alien monster its all there in the first episode. The storytelling could've been slightly better done as I felt this show doesn't transition too well from one episode to the other. Maybe this what they wanted to do with it...

Anyway, just a headsup for Mandalorian fans who haven't seen this show yet, go check it out.


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