Memoir Monday: Travelling is the most intense way to learn

in GEMS20 days ago

Images from my personal gallery

Travelling is the most intense way to learn

Ever since I was a child, I have loved to travel. As a child, my parents would plan week-long trips and the only one who was happy was me. My sisters preferred to stay at home because they got seasick and any means of transport, plane, boat or car, made them nauseous. With this advantage, I was the one selected if my parents had to go to Caraca, the capital of Venezuela, to buy clothes, books or the like.

Travelling brought me many advantages. I was not only the first among my sisters to see things, like snow, big buildings, climbing big mountains, but also the lifestyle, the culture, of other people. This, I think, is one of the most valuable and interesting things I have learned, because there is nothing that broadens our world more than travelling.

I have only travelled a few times outside Venezuela. Ninety per cent of my trips have been within my country. There is one state I've been to about 6 times and every time I visit it, I feel like I'm missing one more visit. This state is Mérida, which, being in a cold area where there is snow at certain times of the year, is the opposite of the state where I live, where the high temperatures can melt even iron.

I must confess, with much embarrassment, that I don't like to travel alone. Obviously I have done it many times, but it was for work or study purposes. If I go on a trip for fun, for pleasure, I like to be accompanied by friends, family or my partner.

Although I live in a state bordered by the Caribbean Sea and I should be curious to see other landscapes, if I have to choose, I like to travel to places where there are beaches. I think I know all the important beaches in Venezuela, like Mochima, Playa Medina, Pui pui, Morrocoy, Coche, the beaches of Margarita. I'm missing Los Roques.

When I travel, even if I have a plan, I like to be surprised by places. This kind of mentality has brought me negative surprises, but also positive surprises. I have been able to meet people, places and live experiences that if I had followed the map, I would never have experienced, lived or known.

Personally, since I work, I like to travel to rest, de-stress, have fun. To disconnect from my routine and my problems.

While travelling, I like to buy and read books. I'm sure they'll be the perfect ally if I'm going to the beach or doing time at the hotel or airport.

I also like to walk around the places I visit. I like to know what they smell like, how the sun wakes up, what colour the night is. One of the places I like to visit are the markets. Markets capture the essence of the people. I also like to go to natural parks, churches, museums...

Still, one of the things I enjoy doing is meeting and sharing with people. They tell me stories. You don't know how many stories I've written in Hive as a result of those encounters.

One of the most important and hopeful journeys of my life was in 2014. I travelled to Trujillo, one of the Andean states of Venezuela. I went with one purpose: to ask the saint José Gregorio Hernández for a miracle.

At that time my father was very ill and as we are devoted to this Venezuelan saint in the family, I travelled expressly to pray for his healing.

I remember that on that trip I fell ill and had to stay in the hotel for two days, unable to go out. It was not only the cold climate of Trujillo, but also the number of mixed emotions I was experiencing.

Looking back, I don't remember enjoying that trip. I was so preoccupied with my father's health, who was in Trujillo, but I wanted to be in Cumaná, at home.

On the same trip I visited the monument of La Virgen de la Paz, one of the largest monuments in Latin America.

They say that every journey has treasures and lessons to show us. On that journey, fundamentally, I discovered that my faith was greater than any monument in the world.

Anyway, let's travel and enjoy the road. Like Kavafis' Ithaca poem, it is not the destination that is important, but the journey. When we travel we grow mentally and spiritually. Because we never return as we left.

It was a pleasure to share this journey with you, my friends.

This is my participation this week for our great friend @ericvancewalton's initiative: Memoir monday. If you want to participate, here's the link to the invitation post.

Thank you for reading and commenting. Until a future reading, friends


What a beautiful country! I think I'm always happiest when I'm by the sea. If I lived near the ocean I don't think my wanderlust would be quite as strong. I appreciate your addition this week, Nancy! I wish you a good week my friend.

I think we all have that love affair with the sea. Beyond the benefits it has, I think life near the sea is more relaxed, people are more spontaneous and affectionate. It is a pleasure to participate in this initiative, Eric. Hugs, amigo

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thanks a million, friends. Especially to you, friend @sahi1

Wonderful way of sharing your experience

Thank you for your words. Regards