Cleanplanet activity. 18/05/24

in CLEAN PLANET14 days ago

Hello everyone as welcome to my post. It is a new brand day with good and bright weather and a calm environment. I am happy to have woken up today yaknow.

I woke up feeling really great and very happy to have seen another beautiful day. I said a short prayer when I woke up and I went about my day.

I was having a stiff joint so I decided to jog it off. I went for morning exercise and after a while of jogging, the joint stiffness was able to be free. Well, it get good as the relief felt relaxing.

After a while of jogging, i reached my limit and decided to start coming back. I got home and stretched for some minutes which made me feel very much relaxed and calm.

I got to the kitchen and I got myself a ginger tea. I really love this drink. After that, I made breakfast and went to the bathroom to shower. After a long shower, I came out to eat before stepping out.

The weather which presented itself as a calm one began to change color like a chameleon that is on a wall with new colors. I thought it was just joking and would not rain but after some time, there was a down pour. What's even more sad is that I just left my apartment. Well, I can't do nothing but to hide in a corner for the rain to stop. After some minutes, the rain finally decided to stop. I got in a cab and the rain continued. As if it was waiting for me to get a cab. Haha

When I reached my destination, I was still pouring so I decided to enter the rain to my final destination.

After a while, I went out to do my clean planet activity which felt really nice. I took some pictures while at it. These pictures can be found below.

I hope you join the clean planet train through this display.
Thank you for reading and viewing.

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